State of Ridgeway | DOJ Based | Dept. Heads Needed | Staff Needed

The State of Ridgeway is a DOJ-based roleplay server. We’re one of a kind and aim to provide an experience you can’t find anywhere else. Unlike your run of the mill Discord server, our server is run and owned by both a FiveM Developer and a DoJ veteran.

Here’s some of the things our server can offer:

  • vMenu, of course!
  • 4 Departments (Ridgeway State Troopers, Ridgeway City Police Department, Ridgeway County Sheriffs Office, and Ridgeway Fire Department)
  • Custom vehicle liveries for every department coupled with vehicle controls.
  • A 911 call system that actually works.
  • A staff team that actually cares.
  • Organized rosters and clear cut community guidelines. No more B.S.
  • and so much more!

If you’re interested in joining us, please do so on Discord: [SOR] State of Ridgeway

Im looking for a few people to join my dev team for my server. Hoping to make it the best out there. If you are interested in joining the team feel free to send me a DM

hey i got the perfect role for devs/owners/investors/ forum devs and many more check me out !!! Finex Network Program! LOOKING FOR ALL ROLES! - #2 by Tragiicc

No thanks.


hey you still active on here?