[STANDLONE] PerformanceSentry


Available :

PerformanceSentry is now available on Tebex! You can visit our Tebex store for more information and to purchase the script.

PerformanceSentry (tebex.io)


Server Dashboard is a script for FiveM that provides a real-time dashboard for monitoring server and resource status and performance. It can help administrators and developers quickly identify and resolve problems.


  • Displays RAM usage by server kernel and resources.

  • Displays the event load on the server.

  • Displays a list of events triggered on the server.

  • Displays a list of the latest HTTP requests made by the server.

  • Displays the number of players connected to the server.

  • Displays FiveM server and SQL server response times.




  1. Download the script and place it in your FiveM resources folder.

  2. Add start PerformanceSentry to your server.cfg file.

  3. Configure the script by modifying the config.lua file as required.

  4. To ensure the script functions correctly, you also need to modify the “scheduler.lua” file in the FiveM artifact. Add the following line in the “TriggerClientEvent”, “TriggerLatentClientEvent”, “TriggerServerEvent”, and “TriggerLatentServerEvent” functions, right after the line “local payload = msgpack_pack_args(…)”:

TriggerEvent("PerformanceSentry:TriggerClientServerEvents", GetCurrentResourceName(), eventName, playerId, payload:len(), bps)


You can configure the script by modifying the config.lua file. The following configuration options are available:

  • Webhook : The URL of the Discord webhook for dashboard notifications.

  • IDMessage : The ID of the Discord message to be updated with dashboard information. (For the IDMessage, simply use Discohook (for example) and send an embed with the same webhook. Once you’ve done that, copy the ID of the message you want to send with your webhook.)

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 600
Requirements Nothing
Support Yes

Worked for me for a minute then doesnt update discord message. I guess it gets rate limited in a minute.

Yes, you have to wait every minute for it to update.

No, it didnt update. My server run for 5 hours since started with this resource, it made one update then nothing since then it still shows the same data how it was 5 hours ago

Then I guess you didn’t follow the documentation very well…
I can assure you that you’re the only one with this problem at the moment.

I have the same issue as the other guy

Can confirm this, it stopped updating the DC message after like 2 minutes. Followed the docs 1:1. It works when you restart the script while playing, but breaks as soon as someone joins or too many events get “recorded”, im guessing you’re sending too much into one message and discord says “nope”.

I’d also like to point out that all the people who have had this problem have been helped on the Discord and that it came from their servers… (the CA blocking the resource or even a bad manipulation of triggers)…

As explained on the Discord, it worked for people who had this problem.
The people who have these problems are the ones who have a resource that blocks the check. In addition, you should note the start of the resource before all the others in your server.cfg. Furthermore, you should not start the resource if the server is switched on.
You should carry out an analysis of your various resources because, as mentioned above, there are only two of you with this problem, so I’m thinking of several things:
1 - A resource is preventing PerformanceSentry from working properly (for example, if you have a trigger modifier, this may have an influence).
2 - If you have an anticheat, it can effectively block integration.