[STANDALONE] Welcomer Script!

Hi, So after browsing many servers to get an idea for a welcome script, I have noticed all of them are complicated and big and contain too much information! So I am proud to present to you!


By YonLiud

>>Source Code / Download<<

Greet new players and help them understand the basic key binds and rules by showing them a temporary banner with the information they need! and show them a warming welcome back message with all the information they need to know after coming back!

To show the welcome message again simply run /welcomer.

The Text on the screen automatically disappears after 10 Seconds
The Script is commented a lot so it will be easier for beginners to understand how this script works and be able to customize it to their liking!

To customize the script, simply open the client.lua file that is present in the folder /welcomer/,
And edit it to your liking and specifications!

Screenshots From in game:

On First Join or running the /welcomer command

Returning Player Message

This is my first ever Lua script, I apologize for any mistakes that were written in this script!

Big thanks to Github’s Copilot for assisting me in creating this script!

>>Source Code / Download<<


haven’t downloaded it yet, but good job for your first!

This is fantastic, only slight issue is if you run qb-core it seems to not show up due to the character creation menu? So wonder if theres a way to detect once you spawn into the world freely.


Oi, sorry for the late response but I think there should be an event listener in the client.lua file.
just change it to the event you trigger on spawn