PandaScriptZ | BzZz Markermanager
Hey everyone! We are excited to introduce the PandaScriptZ | BzZz Markermanager, a utility script developed in collaboration with @BzZzi. This script allows developers and users to easily utilize the marker props created by @BzZzi.
Please note that the marker pack created by @BzZzi is required for this script to work. The Markermanager is designed as a utility script to enhance the usability of the marker props.
- Running at 0.00ms at all times
- Spawn markers at specific coordinates with ease
- Customize marker appearance including type, color, light, and animation
- Delete markers by ID or coordinates effortlessly
- Automatic marker visibility updates based on player distance
- Flexible usage options: use it as a library in your own scripts or manually add markers in the config
- Optional notifications when players are near markers
- Interact with markers by triggering client or server events, including event arguments
Config = {}
Config.AllowCommands = true -- Allow commands for spawning and despawning
Config.Notify = function(text) -- This is being called every tick! Be sure to adapt your notify script
-- You can change this to whatever notification system you want
AddTextEntry("MIROW", text)
DisplayHelpTextThisFrame("MIROW", false)
Config.Markers = {{
coords = vector3(395.7025, -984.2512, 29.335),
type = "ambulance",
color = "blue",
light = true,
anim = true,
range = 10.0
}, {
coords = {vector3(393.1204, -981.8807, 29.3959), vector3(395.1587, -978.4142, 29.2865)},
type = "drink",
color = "red",
light = true,
anim = true,
range = 5.0,
interactionRange = 2.0,
notify = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open the bar",
event = "TestEvent123",
eventType = "client", -- client or server
eventArgs = { -- Optional
["arg1"] = "value1",
["arg2"] = "value2"
keyToPress = 38 -- Optional
To utilize the Markermanager, follow these steps:
- Download the latest release or clone the repository from GitHub.
- Move the script into your server’s resource folder.
- Add
start PandaScriptZ-BzZzMarkers
to yourserver.cfg
file to ensure the script is started when the server launches. - Documentation about the usage of the script can be found on GitHub
Additional Resources
We hope you find the PandaScriptZ | BzZz Markermanager useful! If you have any questions or need support, feel free to conntact me or write a comment!