[STANDALONE] [TOOL] PandaScriptZ | BzZz Markermanager

PandaScriptZ | BzZz Markermanager

Hey everyone! We are excited to introduce the PandaScriptZ | BzZz Markermanager, a utility script developed in collaboration with @BzZzi. This script allows developers and users to easily utilize the marker props created by @BzZzi.

Please note that the marker pack created by @BzZzi is required for this script to work. The Markermanager is designed as a utility script to enhance the usability of the marker props.


  • Running at 0.00ms at all times
  • Spawn markers at specific coordinates with ease
  • Customize marker appearance including type, color, light, and animation
  • Delete markers by ID or coordinates effortlessly
  • Automatic marker visibility updates based on player distance
  • Flexible usage options: use it as a library in your own scripts or manually add markers in the config
  • Optional notifications when players are near markers
  • Interact with markers by triggering client or server events, including event arguments
Config = {}

Config.AllowCommands = true -- Allow commands for spawning and despawning

Config.Notify = function(text) -- This is being called every tick! Be sure to adapt your notify script
    -- You can change this to whatever notification system you want
    AddTextEntry("MIROW", text)
    DisplayHelpTextThisFrame("MIROW", false)

Config.Markers = {{
    coords = vector3(395.7025, -984.2512, 29.335),
    type = "ambulance",
    color = "blue",
    light = true,
    anim = true,
    range = 10.0
}, {
    coords = {vector3(393.1204, -981.8807, 29.3959), vector3(395.1587, -978.4142, 29.2865)},
    type = "drink",
    color = "red",
    light = true,
    anim = true,
    range = 5.0,
    interactionRange = 2.0,
    notify = "Press ~INPUT_CONTEXT~ to open the bar",
    event = "TestEvent123",
    eventType = "client", -- client or server
    eventArgs = { -- Optional
        ["arg1"] = "value1",
        ["arg2"] = "value2"
    keyToPress = 38 -- Optional


To utilize the Markermanager, follow these steps:

  1. Download the latest release or clone the repository from GitHub.
  2. Move the script into your server’s resource folder.
  3. Add start PandaScriptZ-BzZzMarkers to your server.cfg file to ensure the script is started when the server launches.
  4. Documentation about the usage of the script can be found on GitHub

Additional Resources

We hope you find the PandaScriptZ | BzZz Markermanager useful! If you have any questions or need support, feel free to conntact me or write a comment!


Awesome work from you both. To help me understand, this replaces markers with props? Are they network synced between players?

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Hey, thanks for your feedback! They are additional markers in the form of props, all the regular markers still exist. The script is client only, so if implemented in another script this needs to be kept in mind. If you use them in a predefined maner through the config they are of course there for everyone by default.

Oh neat, thanks a lot for your response and work!

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wooow its fantastic thank you for making it

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if i buyt he scripts (custom marker) i can edit thats marker with my server logo?

Hey, the markers are already premade models made by @BzZzi. The script itself only makes it easier to utilize them on your server. So as long as you dont make any custom model with the same name architecture as the props from @BzZzi with your server logo you can only use the ones provided in her pack.