Tebex Ace Perms is a Script created by Syni-Development that utilizes your tebex store and the packages you have created to grant people their ace groups in-game once they have purchased a package off of your store.

For Example if someone purchases a item off your store it will grant them a group within your Fivem server which correlate to groups in game that you can set perms to.


Tebex Packages to Ace Groups
Refresh Packages Command
Charge Back Ban System

Open Files:
Config, Commands Server, Functions Server

Tebex Ace Perms also includes a built in refresh perms command so that** if you are ingame and you purchase something on the store you do not have to restart your game to receive your permissions** instead all you simply need to do is use the command /refreshTebexPerms in-game and you will receive your permissions.

Another thing that Tebex Ace Perms can do which can be disabled in the Config is checks your tebex store upon trying to connect to your server and sees if anyone has charged back / had a fraudulent payment on your store, with this being said if someone charges back on your store it will ban all of their identifiers and they will not be able to connect to your server.

This script also offers a great permission group, package.GROUPNAME which means you can give people or yourself package.* to grant access to all the packages.

Disclaimer: This will not work with subscriptions because, Tebex does not provide with the necessary information. This script is also escrow and the open files are listed.

Link: https://syni-development.tebex.io/package/5729648
Price: $25


Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 300
Requirements Tebex Store
Support Yes

Updated default group permission : This script also offers a great permission group, package.GROUPNAME which means you can give people or yourself package.* to grant access to all the packages.

nice idea

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