Standalone | Smoke Grenade


Smoke Grenade script is standalone, you can use this with any framework you use. This script introduces the smoke grenade as an additional weapon, triggering detonation will cause a large amount of smoke in a area proximity.

I have provided a meta file and model unescrowed which you can use or you can make your own. If you choose to not use the provided files please ensure the model name is updated within the config.

[Example Video]

Tebex: Click Here

Can be integrated with any framework.

Code is accessible Config Only
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 200+
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

Looks interesting!

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kinda curious on how this is 400+ lines of code.
When all it is a weapon.meta with the tag “AddSmokeOnExplosion” and/or just grabbing the location of the weapon and spawning smoke particles.

Like not trying to hate bc you have some cool scripts but really curious how it is anywhere near 400 lines.

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You can also get this for free by equipping BZ Gas and throwing it anywhere, enjoy


Hey, so as you have already suggested I am doing it via the particle effects and using the tag in the weapon meta file can set up for an issue where some people can see through the smoke. I thought after finding this out I would share my findings. For the lines of code that is my bad as I copied the template of my other post :frowning: but do know this includes the escrowed lib that I have included to keep the performance effects at bay. Thanks for the question though and I am sure up for lowering the line count in due course. :slight_smile:

BZ gas has a a effect by default where it will start taking damage as its like tear gas in that way, ofc you can change that in the meta file however you will counter the same issue as I mentioned in the other reply :slight_smile:

I thought BZ gas does 0 damage by default? The damage is set to 0

From when I tested it, I was being damaged also another point is that the BZ gas effect is slightly different compared to this version as bz gas becomes transparent once you enter the gas. With that all said if you find anything different please let me know and I can play around a bit more :slight_smile:


  • Added ability to change the effect of the grenade, there are a range of smoke effects if you want to change.
  • Added ability to change the color of the smoke via config, do note not all effects allow color change so you will need to test.
  • Added ability to change the duration of the effect