[Standalone] Simple Scene Creator

Could you send me a pm and I will help you there as to not trash this topic?

You should 100% implement discord ace perms into this.


i was just about to suggest that!! good call!

New Update


-Added Permanent Scene Placement
-Added Bucket Routing System
-Added Easy Configuration Of Perma Scenes

-Added Manual Decision of Is Networked
-Added Identifier Checks for is Admin in admin.lua
-Added Project Load in Server-Side (along side buckets)
-Improved Admin Update Request

I will probably release a new video detailing new stuff added.

New Commands

  • /loadscenebucket [id] - Loads Scene from server-side
  • /setscenebucket [id] [bucket] - Sets Loaded Scene Bucket(dimension)
  • /removescenebucket [id] - Removes Scene From Map, works even if scene is unloaded

These commands are console only! Unloading Scenes is meant for resource restart as to avoid 10 scenes spawning at once!

All Requests are welcomed as to improve overall user experience. If you have any ideas or encounter any errors, please let me know :heart:

Permanent Scenes


Admin Checks

I would love to see like a menu for admins where they can see all spawned scenes and can TP to the scene via the menu and delete it via the menu

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where can i change key binds and might be nice to add a event list so we can add a trigger/event and a template will load something like adding a event to loaded a road block for police so they can do a /command roadblock1 and a template will spawn but im loving it good job im making a go kart track in gabz mba so i have more options

Hey, That’s a really cool idea, and I will definitely add this soon.
Right now, I’m working on admin menu which I’ll try and release it today or tommorow morning.
And keybinds will come in shortly after :smiley:

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New Update

Update 1.2

-Added Simple Admin Menu
-Added Easy Load,Unload From NUI
-Added Go To Scene (even if scene is not loaded)
-Added Remove Scene File
-Added Chat Message Notification
-Fixed Admin Check not completely working
-Changed Admin Identifiers Config (serverconfig.lua)
-Changed Admin ESX Check

New Video featuring This New Admin Panel. Replaced the old one.

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I assume we can set ace perms for all the commands right?

Not currently,
I’ll definitely add config for such option.
It shouldn’t be a problem. Maybe tomorrow there will be an update

Nice - thank you!

New Update

Update 1.3

-Added Keybinding (Key Mapping, with multiple inputs)
-Added Command name in cfg for some commands
-Added Permission specifier for some commands
-Added Backward Compatibility(optimization) for earlier projects
-Changed some commands to events(keybindings)
-Improved Optimization in some functions
-Improved Readability of server commands
-Improved Usability with Keybinds
-Removed Unused data from json format
-Removed Compression From Script

With implemented keybinding (multiple inputs) my next ideas and improvements will be way easier! As always, I’m interested in your feedback

I’m more and more focused on using OneSync as a main form of Creating Any Entities, so its probable that OneSync will be more than optional with next 2 updates.

Screenshots from Update

Multiple keys



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can i get some support, neither the keybinds or commands will allow me to create a scene, ive got no errors in console, im on QBCore

Alright, Could you answer these questions?

  1. When You go to Settings → Keybinds(I think) → FiveM, do you see any keybind which is from Scene Creator?
  2. Did you set yourself as an admin in serverconfig.lua? Or did you disable ScenesOnlyByAdmin?
  3. If you haven’t disabled Config.AutoEnable, did you firstly write /allowscene ?

Config.ScenesOnlyByAdmin = false --Allow /allowscene to admins

Config.AutoEnable = true --Auto check for option above

that is my config.lua

and i can open the admin menu, i just cant create scenes

After you’ve sent command /createscene

Does it show anything in F8 Console?
If it doesn’t then it means there is a problem with server side script and I can look there for problem.
If it does then you might want to see if Debug Text in top left shows scene id.

ive checked live console and F8, no errors

I’ve looked in code and determined that you either load scene before hand or the script simply does not register you as a current user. Either way, I’ll give you a workaround.

In Folder projects create any file with name such as UNSCsomethinghere.txt and inside it put []
or square brackets for your liking. After that just load the scene with name you’ve placed instead of somethinghere

Great resource! @rocket5115
Could you add the ability to set animations for Peds it would be a great addition?

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I haven’t looked at the code for quite some time, but I’ll try to update the resource soon.

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