[STANDALONE] Simple Menu

WS_Menu - A Modern Menu Framework for FiveM


  • Standalone Resource
  • Replaces esx_menu_default with a sleek custom menu
  • Minimal idle performance impact: 0.00ms world idle
  • Supports 3 menu styles with custom logos and positioning
  • Fully configurable button visibility, controls, and more
  • Compatible with all ESX resources by easy hook integration
  • Easy to use in your own scripts via exports


Example Code
local menu = Menu.CreateMenu('test', 'Titel 1', function()
    print('close menu')

menu:Set('menuStyle', 2)

local menu2 = Menu.CreateMenu('test', 'Titel 2', function()
    print('close menu 2')

local menu3 = Menu.CreateMenu('test2', 'Titel 3', function()
    print('close menu 3')

menu2:AddButton('Test-Sheat', 'Wer?', function(button, onHover, click)
end, menu3)
local button2 = menu:AddButton('Test-Button', 'Some descriptions... 1', function(button, onHover, click)
    if click then
        print('Click', 'Click')

        button:Set('title', 'Set title on Click')
end, menu2)

menu:AddCheckBox('Checkbox', 'Some descriptions... 2', true, function(button, onHover, click, Checked)
    if click then
        print('Check-Box', tostring(Checked))
    elseif onHover then
        print('onHover', 'Hover on Checkbox')

local slider = menu:AddSlider('Slider', nil, 0, 10, 5, function(button, onHover, onListChange, Click, Value)
    if onListChange then
        button:Set('title', 'Value: '..tostring(Value))
slider:Set('title', 'Value: '..tostring(slider:Get().value))

local list = {
menu:AddList('List', nil, list, 1, function(button, onHover, onListChange, Click, Index)
    if onListChange then
        if Index ~= nil then
            button:Set('index', Index)

        button:Set('title', 'Index: '..tostring(list[Index]))

local invb = menu:AddButton('Invis-Button', nil, function(button, onHover, click)
invb:Set('rightLabel', 'Right-Label')

WS_Menu = {
    delay = 20, -- Menu button press delay
   menuStyle = 2, -- 1 = logo in the middle, 2 logo in background with title in the middle, 3 = title in the middle
    visibleButtons = 4, -- Number of visible buttons
    menuPos = {
        top = "3%",
        left = "2.9%",



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You need to put a github or direct download if is a free resource.

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It should be free and obfuscated.

Is the rules.

Changed from free to paid.

But on the tebex is still “free”, so you are overriding rules lol.

1 Like

but in theory you must pay 0.00$ to get it :slight_smile:

U dont pay anything , u just claim it from tebex to get it :).

Just put a direct download or link to github? comeon bro

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I have seen many menus where the lua code was ripped and it was simply sold with a different style, which escrow prevents here. (the style.css is also open)

You gotta change the price to at least $1 then. Its still free, and should not be ONLY on Tebex, but either Direct Download or GitHub along with the tebex

but, there is no other way to use the escrow system?

No, its gotta be paid. You risk that the post gets deleted or hidden.
Im just trying to help out.

Make it less than $1 even if you can, it looks like a seriously nice menu resource.

Well, thanks, but it’s supposed to be a freely usable resource for all people, especially if WebServices wants to publish scripts based on this resource (due to the larger number of buttons compared to esx_menu_default)

Nice :blue_heart:
but u need to read rules first

what do you mean?