[Standalone][Release] FiveM Priority Announcement Script

Hello and welcome!

I bring to the community something I have longed for to be free for everyone, or at least something to actually be able to be found. This script creates a priority announcement visible to everyone in the server to let them know what the law enforcement agencies are currently dealing with, say a vehicle pursuit or a bank robbery.

Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 110
Requirements Badger_Discord_API/DiscordAcePerms
Support Yes

What this script offers:
We offer discord logging, so messages will get sent over a webhook, so server staff can keep track of the priorities that happen!

We (slightly) offer Database logging, so server owners can go back and look at the first priorities.

Current Bugs:
MySQL logging isn’t getting MySQL Async correctly, so it is not functional.
The Avatar URL for the discord webhook doesn’t seem to work.

Direct Download:
prioSit.rar (3.8 KB)


Demo Video:

To set up the discord webhook, go into the server.lua and edit the config’s as directed. Setting PostToDiscord to true, and ensuring there is a discord webhook.

Thank you for your interest!

Updated 08/16/2022 | A “then” request was needed in the server.lua, that is now fixed and the script works fine. Github is updated.

I would like to give credit where it is due.

AOGRP gave me the inspiration to create a script like this and release it to the public, I continue to take inspiration from AOG, and this script will continue to be updated to assist all of those needing a public priority announcement script.

If anybody has any questions feel free to contact me.