[STANDALONE] Rank System


FiveM Customs Shop - Enrii#6627


Simple rank system to manage player’s XP.

Has a command to see your rank and to add XP to other players (for staff)
Possibility to activate a while through a local to add XP
You could use this resource and integrate it into a trust-economy sort of style, or use it as a factor when accepting/denying civilians (if you have a civilian level applications for example; ie Civ Rank 1 - 100 XP, Civ Rank 2 - 200 XP, etc)

en_rank.rar (1.7 KB)


Use GitHub and maybe provide more explanation on what you can do exactly? Maybe features and stuff lol.

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Agreed a good description is needed with every resource, lots of people would like to know exactly what it does before downloading it, the description is too short. Overall thanks for the contribution to the community :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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Well it isnt standalone :stuck_out_tongue:

it seems to be standalone yes. I mean it depends whether you consider having a database standalone or not. There aren’t any ESX or other dependencies visible.

You could use this resource and integrate it into a trust-economy sort of style, or use it as a factor when accepting/denying civilians (if you have a civilian level applications for example; ie Civ Rank 1 - 100 XP, Civ Rank 2 - 200 XP, etc)

^^ @Enri76 magari mettilo nella descrizione in modo che le persone sappiano di cos 'e


because it would not be standalone

Thanks for help

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ok i kinda understand what this is. how do people earn exp? or is this something a codemonkey can use to add their own rank system? how much if this will work out of the box is what I am trying to understand

then the client script has a thread that allows you to add the grade each time.
Even that trigger can be used in the academy’s servers for kd systems so at each kill tot xp etc.

A video preview or screenshots of the resource would be appreciated.

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A video preview or screenshots of the resource would be appreciated.

A video would be good to add to this, but nice release

Would love some screenshots or at least a showcase video of some sort. Sounds like a great release tho :slight_smile: