[STANDALONE] Paleto Bank Robbery by SpecialStos - v1.0.0

Paleto Bank Robbery - Buy Now on Tebex

This resource’s code is fully accessible and is written FULLY from scratch. Also full credit is given to the authors of PolyZone, Drilling (by meta-hub), and interact-sound. Thanks for releasing such amazing resources and giving me the chance to base this resource with the zoning and the main drilling mechanics.





  • Server Synchronization: The main core function of this resource is the fact that everything is SERVER SYNCHRONIZED. When we use this term we mean that all animations, peds, particles, explosions, sound effects, and props are synchronized perfectly an all clients of the server. This is kind of a tough task as we spawn peds LOCALLY because of the polyzones. Also server sync lets us keep track all the states of the peds, stealables, doors, etc… Even if you relog you will see that everything does not reset and moves on how it was.
  • Ped Handler: Our bank robbery script comes with a ped handler trigger event. We are spawning 6 peds while you are inside the PolyZone, and every ped is unique, with different animations and feelings. This ped give the sense of being inside a real life scenario in a bank while having peds talking on the phone, waiting in a queue and panicking when the robbery starts.
  • Security Guards: At the moment the bank has 2 security guards protecting the place. These security guards spawn with the weapons listed inside the config (you can randomise them) and will start shooting at you when you attempt to rob the bank.
  • Standalone Doorlocks: All of our doorlocks are being handler through the script itself, we have wrote that code from scratch and you are able to have jobs being able to unlock/lock those doors, while normal people to destroy them by lockpicking or using thermite charges on them.
  • Distance Based Alarm: The alarm itself goes off when the robbery occurs, it is a distance based alarm so the further away you are the lower the volume will be. It does go off and never stops until someone goes and shuts it down through the button next to the reception.
  • Door Breaching: You are able to destroy the doors by a lockpicking minigame or thermite charges as listed above. The thermite charge is an animation synced on all clients (particles also) and when getting close to the particles your ped will start covering his eye from the excessive sparks.
  • Bomb Planting: Bomb planting is pretty much straight forward, a big bomb, big explosion and the vault door itself will just break into pieces.
  • Drilling: The bank’s lockers utilises a drilling minigame which is fully configurable difficulty wise. This drilling minigame has it’s own sound effects, which are GTA sound effects.
  • Stealables: The base script itself gives you the option to rob 2 different safes that are in different rooms, 10 lockers rooms which are inside the vault, and lastly 3 cash trolleys.
  • Exploit Prevention: We did take a sweet time to develop this resource and we included protection from people who want to either trigger an event to get money or try to exploit by trying to press at the same time the stealable. If someone does attempt this then he will instantly be dropped by the server with an explanation on the exploit. You can also add your own ban future into that.
  • Bank Reset For Cops: Police men are able to reset the bank after by going downstairs and pushing the button, this will teleport everyone inside the bank outside and will reset it completely.
  • Fully Customizable Config: Just from the config alone you can change anything without the need of any advanced coding skills. All the stealables are changeable in terms of prices, all buttons are changeable, language itself is changeable and lastly peds and animations are also changeable through the hefty config.



Paleto Bank Robbery is superbly optimized on the checks it does.

The resource idles at 0.01-0.02 ms.

  • Paleto Robbery : 0.01-0.02 ms.
  • Door Locking: 0.01-0.02 ms.
  • Draw 3D Text: 0.04-0.05 ms. (This is completely changeable depending if you wanna use it in your server)
  • Drilling: 0.00-0.10 ms. (This can really change as we are using a minigame, you shouldn’t worry a lot even if it peaks as it is only when drilling itself inside the lockers room)
  • Garbage Collector: 0.00ms

Dependencies and Compatibility:


Framework Dependencies: none (This can be standalone or work with ANY framework)

Sql Resource Dependencies: none

Resource Dependencies: 1)PolyZones, 4)interact-sound(You don’t need this actually, only as extra realism) (ALL OF THEM ARE FREE AND OPEN SOURCE)

Locales/Translations: English, changeable through languages.lua

OneSync Compatibility

Non-OneSync Compatibility




Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 3700 without the config and languages
Requirements Standalone, read dependencies section
Support Yes, almost 24/7

Check out fully our Tebex store at https://fivem.cisoko.net

Take care, peace. :heart:


I’m in love with the details of this work, great work

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thanks a lot man! I am putting effort into small details as it gives better off more realism and makes the resource quite unique.

Thanks for the comment!

Have a nice day :heart:

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Obliviously buyed, you deserve support

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Hahah, thanks a lot man, really appreciate it :heart:.

Will be releasing better resources and quite different ones in the future for sure, actually this one was supposedly to be released a year ago, just never patched up some minor bug fixes and was never happy enough with realism i kept on it, then uni and gaming work struck, so less time. Now for sure it is in a quite satisfying level but there are some things where we can improve the resource.

So be ready for updates :stuck_out_tongue:

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This looks really well made! Good job. Question: Can we setup multiple banks? I’d like to use this for my Fleeca so people can’t get in and out so easily with the guards :slight_smile:

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Hey @itspBeezy,

Firstly thanks for the nice comments! :heart:

Yes you could but i would suspect at the moment that only method for you to have this resource for each fleeca bank you would need to make multiple copies for it for each bank as the code was never made to support multiple multiple banks (It wouldn’t be resource hefty as when your not inside a PolyZone the resource itself would be 0.00ms).

To make it possible without having to make multiple versions of it you would need to make the banks themselves an array and then have a loop for it)

If you do have any more questions i am willing to help you out solving them!

Best Regards,

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asked before i bought a script if he would provide support he said yes we bought it and he ghosted us never heard from him again even made a ticket in the discord with no reply. said he would help us configure it to our map and give us the camera script aswell but not contacted us after purchase. 0/10 dont buy


I hope this message finds you well. Our store was down for quite an extensive time, affecting our support and services. However, I’m keen to share that we’ve been working hard over the past two weeks on a substantial update, which will be finalized by the end of this week for all products.

I wanted to inquire if you’ve purchased the resource in question as it seems you have not? (although I could be mistaken). If you have made a purchase, I encourage you to reach out to me now, will respond as soon as possible.

I’m more than willing to assist you promptly in setting up the resource. It’s a relatively straightforward process, even without my guidance, it should take approximately five to ten minutes to complete.

Please don’t hesitate to contact me so that I can ensure a smooth setup process for you.

Best regards,