I understand, thanks for your feedback nice script
I have bought it and it is the best sit script that exists
Update 1.1.0
I’ve added compatibility with ox_target for those who have started to use it. Due to it not being compatible with qTarget/qb-target I had to redo a sizeable part of the code to make it work. I’ve tested it quite a lot so there shouldn’t be any issues, however, if you find any please report them.
- Added compatibility with ox_target
- Added polys for Gabz Families MLO
- Added polys for Gabz Pacific Standard MLO
- Added polys for Gabz Bobcat MLO
- Added 8 more models to sit on
- Fixed Gabz Pop’s Diner booths not working correctly when using the third eye
- Fixed bug when changing seats on the same poly/model
- A bunch of other small improvements
Can you help set this up with qb-draw text? Pls
I haven’t ever used qb-drawtext, but looking at it’s github page it seems simple enough to set up. All you would have to do is edit the 'sit:helpTextThread'
event to make it look like this (presuming you don’t use the prompt section of the sit script, then you would have to do some more edits.):
AddEventHandler('sit:helpTextThread', function(type)
exports["qb-drawtext"]:DrawText("Press X to get up", "left")
while metadata[type] do
Now, qb-drawtext is supposedly integrated into the qb-core framework itself now, so if you use qb-core (and have updated it) then you should do something like this instead:
AddEventHandler('sit:helpTextThread', function(type)
exports["qb-core"]:DrawText("Press X to get up", "left")
while metadata[type] do
I hope that helps you,
any update?
Hm… weird, those work perfectly for me…
Do you float on all chairs/benches? Are you using the 3rd eye to sit down? If so what resource are you running? And are there any errors?
This is the case with every chair
Resources don’t make mistakes. I have ox_target for tracking
I have already tried other tracking methods
is there a solution. The funny thing is you see yourself floating but it looks normal to others. other people also see themselves floating, for me they sit normally on the chair
Hmm… have you tried it with different clothing? Maybe the collisions screw it up?
kako se pridruziti peach townu
I once perched naked on a chair, unfortunately the problem is still there. It’s just funny that other players see me sitting on it normally.
Ok, I’ll take a deeper look into it tomorrow or on saturday. What game build is your server running if I might ask?
I’ll be working on the script this weekend, I’ll probably add some more polys seats for some gabz interiors that I haven’t done yet. Anything in particular that you are thinking about?
Yeah the new gabz mlos and gta update props
V V pet., 4. nov. 2022 ob 02:28 je oseba MadsL via Cfx.re Community <thiscamefrom@fivem.net> napisala:
Gamebuild = 2699
FXServer = 5848
are we able to add the poly seats and stuff ourselves? I would hate to buy this only to have to wait for constant updates to it for seats in new MLOs. Id rather just do it myself if we have the ability to
Yes, you do have the ability to add polys and models and whatever you would like yourself, I even made a small “guide” here: [Standalone] [Paid] Sit Anywhere - #15 by MadsL
fucking a - enough said - buying now. thanks!