Standalone | NPC Manager

  1. Ox_lib

  • Support for Multiple Notification Scripts.
  • Global And Client Sides Affects.
  • Discord logging Via Webhooks.
  • Documentation & Preview.
  • Discord Ace Permissions.
Supported Notifications

  1. VeniceNotify
  2. OkOKNotify
  3. Ox_lib
  4. Chat
  5. GTA

In Game Preview

If They Have Don’t Have The Ace Permission To Global Change

Discord Logging Preview

[FREE] Download Here!
[PAID] Source Version
[SUPPORT] Support Discord
[INSTALLATION] Installation Guide

Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 200+
Requirements Ox_lib
Support Yes

Thank you for this fine NPC Manager!

Hello, i wanna test ur script but i get this errors:

make sure ox_lib is installed into your server.

It is

Do i need the latest version of ox_lib?

Please update your post to remove references to “open source”, as this is misleading. Consider using the word “source” instead; for example: “the client source is editable, while the server is escrowed”.

Thank you!

If this is your first time installing you must restart your server, apart from that it could be your notifysettings in the config.lua.

1 Like

Please resolve this issue, reply when you have done so.

The change has been made.

so can you double the amount of npcs? or only lower the value

No, it only reduces or minimizes the amount in an ox lib menu

You cannot double them but what you can do is make half as many or a third as many etc etc and you can also make it only happen for you or for the entire server.

Yea, if you need more help join our discord @ :slight_smile: