[STANDALONE] Name Format Script

We at Bx Development have previous experience in FiveM role-play communities and understand how tedious it is to pester people to correctly format their name within the game. That’s why we have created a script that checks players’ names against a set template before they load into the game!

If their name matches the template (e.g., [collar number] & first name & last initial), it will allow them to connect. However, if not, they will receive a message stating that their name does not match the required format.

name-format.zip (1.9 KB)

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Other Work:

[PAID] [STANDALONE] Bx Development Weapon Safety Script


really nice idea

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cool idea

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thank you mate :slight_smile:

the script in the .zip download and the script on the linked github are different.

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sorry about that fella it should be better now it was a error on my end I forgot to upload the latest version to the github

Hey, are you able to help me get this in US format?

whats with the discord webhook url in the config? also where can I change it to my custom server name, “Number, First Name, Last Init.”

the webhook is optional ill be releasing an update soon

How would I get it to say Ex: Kevin L. 1A-01