[STANDALONE] Infinity - Mortar

New project




The best mortar system for FiveM! Fully customizable, you can even add your own framework! Control of the camera, buttons, text are all customizable, we provide translations for 6 languages as standard, works with a modern raycast system, never misses its target!

Config = {}

-- Launage
Config.Laungage = "EN" -- EN,FR,ES,RU,CN,HU

-- Models
Config.MortarModel = GetHashKey("oldmortar")
Config.RocketModel = GetHashKey("w_lr_rpg_rocket")

-- You can change the sounds inthe sounds folder
Config.SoundRadius = 30.0 -- Airstrike sound radius

-- Operation keys
Config.Keys = {
	Fire = 38,
	Edit = 47,
	PickUp = 23,

-- Camera keys
Config.CameraKeys = {
	Up = 38,
	Down = 47,
	Right = 23,
	Left = 23,
	ZoomIn = 23,
	ZoomOut = 23,

-- Shooting ranges
Config.MaxDistance = 400.0
Config.MinDistance = 80.0

-- Explosion settings
Config.Explosion = {
	Type = 0, -- Explosion type
	Audio = true, -- Use audio
	CamerShake = 2.5, -- Camera Shake
	DamageScale = 30.0, -- Explosion scale

Config.ShootingEffect = {
	Smoke = true, -- Smoke effect
	Explosion = true, -- Explosion effect

-- Blip settings
Config.HitBlip = {
	Enable = true, -- Enable blip
	Time = 10, -- in seconds
	Color = 1, -- color
	Scale = 10.0, -- scale

Config.LocationBlip = {
	Enable = true, -- Enable blip
	Time = 10, -- in seconds
	Color = 47, -- color
	Scale = 5.0, -- scale

-- Use mortar item
Config.MortarItem = {
	Animation = {
		PickUp = {
			Enable = true,
			Dict = "combat@drag_ped@",
			Name = "injured_pickup_side_right_plyr",
		PutDown = {
			Enable = true,
			Dict = "combat@drag_ped@",
			Name = "injured_putdown_plyr",
	Enable = true,
	Name = "mortar",
	RegisterUsableItem = true, -- Register item (bridge/server.lua)

-- Use item rocket
Config.RocketItem = {
	Enable = true,
	Name = "ammo-rocket",

-- Volumes
Config.Volume = {
	Incoming = 0.5,
	Shooting = 0.5,

-- Shooting animation
Config.ShootingAnimation = {
	Dict = "amb@code_human_cower@female@enter",
	Name = "enter",


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Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 3600+
Support Yes (Discord)

looks great!

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Constantly getting this script error. Any clue why?

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