The best mortar system for FiveM! Fully customizable, you can even add your own framework! Control of the camera, buttons, text are all customizable, we provide translations for 6 languages as standard, works with a modern raycast system, never misses its target!
Config = {}
-- Launage
Config.Laungage = "EN" -- EN,FR,ES,RU,CN,HU
-- Models
Config.MortarModel = GetHashKey("oldmortar")
Config.RocketModel = GetHashKey("w_lr_rpg_rocket")
-- You can change the sounds inthe sounds folder
Config.SoundRadius = 30.0 -- Airstrike sound radius
-- Operation keys
Config.Keys = {
Fire = 38,
Edit = 47,
PickUp = 23,
-- Camera keys
Config.CameraKeys = {
Up = 38,
Down = 47,
Right = 23,
Left = 23,
ZoomIn = 23,
ZoomOut = 23,
-- Shooting ranges
Config.MaxDistance = 400.0
Config.MinDistance = 80.0
-- Explosion settings
Config.Explosion = {
Type = 0, -- Explosion type
Audio = true, -- Use audio
CamerShake = 2.5, -- Camera Shake
DamageScale = 30.0, -- Explosion scale
Config.ShootingEffect = {
Smoke = true, -- Smoke effect
Explosion = true, -- Explosion effect
-- Blip settings
Config.HitBlip = {
Enable = true, -- Enable blip
Time = 10, -- in seconds
Color = 1, -- color
Scale = 10.0, -- scale
Config.LocationBlip = {
Enable = true, -- Enable blip
Time = 10, -- in seconds
Color = 47, -- color
Scale = 5.0, -- scale
-- Use mortar item
Config.MortarItem = {
Animation = {
PickUp = {
Enable = true,
Dict = "combat@drag_ped@",
Name = "injured_pickup_side_right_plyr",
PutDown = {
Enable = true,
Dict = "combat@drag_ped@",
Name = "injured_putdown_plyr",
Enable = true,
Name = "mortar",
RegisterUsableItem = true, -- Register item (bridge/server.lua)
-- Use item rocket
Config.RocketItem = {
Enable = true,
Name = "ammo-rocket",
-- Volumes
Config.Volume = {
Incoming = 0.5,
Shooting = 0.5,
-- Shooting animation
Config.ShootingAnimation = {
Dict = "amb@code_human_cower@female@enter",
Name = "enter",
Code is accessible | No |
Subscription-based | No |
Lines (approximately) | 3600+ |
Requirements | ESX/QB/CUSTOM CORE |
Support | Yes (Discord) |