Standalone | Holster (QuickDraw + Reaching Key)

Standalone | Holster V2.0.0 REVAMP!

This resource was made for Non-Economy Servers.
DISCLAIMER: This resource may not work on servers using scripts that manipulate the functionality of weapons. (some inventory scripts for example)

Purchase Here [$7.50]: Tebex

As many of you know, there have been many holster scripts all over the place out there. This script aims to provide server owners with their final choice for an all in one holster script with easy to configure options. This resource also includes a new feature that many, if not no other resources have. Read more below!

Just pull out a weapon!

> [NEW!] /setholster — Sets your holster EUP component.
> Easily configurable, read more below to see all the configuration options.
> Has a Reach Key, puts hand on holster without drawing a weapon.
> QuickDraw — While reaching you can aim or right click and quickly draw your gun within the blink of an eye.
> EUP Support, see configuration options.
I hopefully soon want to add a weapon sling as well, so stay tuned for updates!

Configuration Options:
> [NEW!] EUP — Enable / disable dynamically changing eup componenets when using the script.
> [NEW!] Gang — Enable / disable gang animation when using incorrect EUP Components.
> [NEW!] Setholster — Enable / disable /setholster command.
> Weapons — List of weapons that should work with the Police Animation.
> Reaching — Enables or disables the reaching function.
> Reaching Key — Sets the default key to press for reaching.
> QuickDraw — Enables or Disables quickdraw function.
> Holsters — Configuration for EUP components.

Setting EUP to false will disable gang animation, and use the holster animation without dynamically changing EUP. (For lazy people lol )

Preview (OUTDATED): Streamable

How-To EUP
Your configuration should look like this:

config.holsters = {
    on = { -- Weapon is in holster
		{7, 		8, 		0,      0},
		-- {0, 		0,		0,      0},
		-- {0, 		0,		0,      0},
    off = { -- Weapon is out of holster
		{7, 		2, 		0,      0},
		-- {0, 		0,		0,      0},
		-- {0, 		0,		0,      0},

Use the comments to help you figure out where the number for categories, models, or textures go. Below will be a list of numbers for categories.
!! Models are the actual id of the eup that gets used !!

Categories / Components
0 : Face
1 : Mask
2 : Hair
3 : Torso
4 : Leg
5 : Parachute / bag
6 : Shoes
7 : Accessory
8 : Undershirt
9 : Kevlar
10 : Badge
11 : Torso 2

Feel free to give me any and all suggestions you may have, as I do intend to work on this script a bit more in the future!

Auto Mode Update V1.1.0 OUTDATED

Automatically determines which mode / animation to use based on EUP components active. This feature is new, so if you come across any issues please let me know!

This feature will also disable the “/holster” command, as it automatically figures everything out. To enable it, set “config.automode” to true in the config, it is on by default for new customers!

REVAMP Update V2.0.0 REVAMP! (Old Customers Please Read)

I have recently decided to completely revamp this script, in the process some features have been removed / reworked. Please read below!

• AutoMode is no longer an option, it is instead standard.
• Modes have been removed as this script now bases its “mode” on active EUP.

• Reworked gang animation. Can be disabled, however only works with weapons specified in config.weapons. Also only works if using eup.
• Reworked holster animation. Cannot be disabled, and only works with weapons specified in config.weapons.
• Vastly improved quality of animations!
• Increased performance!
• QuickDraw is no longer limited to one weapon! Instead whatever weapon in Slot 0 (Pistols) on the weapon wheel will be used.
(Taser will not work with QuickDraw, as we are pulling from the holster. If this is something you want just add “weapon_stungun” to config.weapons.)

• When holstering a weapon with the reaching key the script will disable your “combat stance” after firing.

Notes: Its late, and I may have forgotten something. Feel free to let me know of anything I missed or bugs should they arise

Code is accessible Config Only
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) ~200
Requirements Standalone / None
Support Yes

Already been done, you can find the same thing for free :slight_smile:


looks stolen scully just released one and looks to have same animation

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Not the quickdraw, or the other features I have planned.

All holster scripts use the same animation I believe, @Scullyy can add their comment. We just so happened to release both of our scripts at near the same time. I didnt know they had one up before me.

I use “reaction@intimidation@cop@unarmed intro”.

You cant just assume similar scripts are stolen.
Not to mention the fact that I have not purchased @Scullyy’s product, there is no way for me to know what his code looks like in order to steal it.

Auto Mode Update V1.1.0

Automatically determines which mode / animation to use based on EUP components active. This feature is new, so if you come across any issues please let me know!

This feature will also disable the “/holster” command, as it automatically figures everything out. To enable it, set “config.automode” to true in the config, it is on by default for new customers!

Previous customers should update the script by redownloading it from keymaster, make sure to backup “config.holsters” first!

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Just to clear this up, it’s not stolen from my release.

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REVAMP Update V2.0.0 REVAMP! (Old Customers Please Read)

I have recently decided to completely revamp this script, in the process some features have been removed / reworked. Please read below!

• AutoMode is no longer an option, it is instead standard.
• Modes have been removed as this script now bases its “mode” on active EUP.

• Reworked gang animation. Can be disabled, however only works with weapons specified in config.weapons. Also only works if using eup.
• Reworked holster animation. Cannot be disabled, and only works with weapons specified in config.weapons.
• Vastly improved quality of animations!
• Increased performance!
• QuickDraw is no longer limited to one weapon! Instead whatever weapon in Slot 0 (Pistols) on the weapon wheel will be used.
(Taser will not work with QuickDraw, as we are pulling from the holster. If this is something you want just add “weapon_stungun” to config.weapons.)

• When holstering a weapon with the reaching key the script will disable your “combat stance” after firing.

Notes: Its late, and I may have forgotten something. Feel free to let me know of anything I missed or bugs should they arise

Previous customers should update the script by redownloading it from keymaster, make sure to backup “config.holsters” first!

Using this on a qbcore custom server and cant get the Z reaching button to work any suggestions?

Make sure the weapon you want to use is in config.weapons, and your config.holsters is set up properly for EUP.

If you do not have config.holsters set up properly or do not use config.eup the reaching key will not work.

It definitely is setup right the only thing not working is the Z key and I tried a similar script and im having the same issue so im not sure whats going on.

so reaching not working if the weapon are in item and not in the wheel ?

My apologies for the very late response, however that does appear to be an issue on servers that use an inventory system. Unfortunately I have become very busy, and I do not have time to update this resource at the moment. I will look into it a bit further whenever I get more free time on my hands.

My eup uses Neck / scarfs for the holsters which one would that fall under to configure the holsters?

You would have to just try them all. I’d assume it would be either 1 or 2.

i tried them all and unfortunately none of them worked

Perhaps un locking the code for the inventory functions so we can fix it for you

It would also be nice to be able to put a job check on the command

hello when i try to parachute with the script the parachute vanish because it try to get a weapon in the back

is there a way to make it work with shoulder holsters or grab weapons from different holster positions