[standalone] gusti hidereticle

This gusti-hidereticle script is to hide the reticle / crosshair of the weapon


  • Hide reticle & crosshair
  • Easy to use
  • Easy to arrange


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Im wondering if u know, if its possible to turn off the red dot when aiming on players. I shouldnt turn red, should stay default color. Is there a way?

It is possible to do that on qb-smallresources, no offense intended. in config:

Config.Disable = {
hudComponents = { 1, 2, 14, 19, 20, 21, 22 }, – Hud Components: HideHudComponentThisFrame - FiveM Natives @ Cfx.re Docs

  • 14 : RETICLE

But good job and I repeat that it is not to offend, just to clarify a little for those who use QB-CORE

Using esx, how to do that on esx?


Sorry friend, I have no idea, I’ve only used qbcore enough but if the script can help, although I’m sure that in ESX it can also be done since it is native to Fivem to be able to disable parts of the HUD.

HideHudComponentThisFrame - FiveM Natives @ Cfx.re Docs

In esx there is on framework config, a part to turn off some things from hud, number 14 is also reticle. But its not the crosshair, reticle means the that turning red when aiming on player? Am i right?


I think I understand what you mean, that is for being an enemy or aggressive, honestly without code I would not know how to change it, normally the PLAYER groups are category 5 (enemies) that is why it turns red, it is more complex, if it is for ped it is easier to change the relationship with the players to 0 but outside of much context and lack of experience with ESX I cannot help you, sorry :frowning: but…

I don’t know if ESX has something like that but it has a file called relationships.dat, there I configured the relationships of the groups, in the same codes for example in your code:

SetPedRelationshipGroupHash(DELUXIA, GetHashKey(“DELUXIA”))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(0, GetHashKey(“DELUXIA”), GetHashKey(“DELUXIA”))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(0, GetHashKey(“PLAYER”), GetHashKey(“DELUXIA”))
SetRelationshipBetweenGroups(0, GetHashKey(“DELUXIA”), GetHashKey(“PLAYER”))

That makes both groups non-aggressive, the red grid turns light grey, if the ratio is 0, 1 would be white, 5 is red no matter what, I don’t know if that’s what you’re referring to but I hope to give you a little idea and good luck amigo.

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Thanks alot my friend!

Yea wanted to change the default “crosshair” when aiming ln Player, it turns red, thats what i wanted to change but tidnt find anything about it, but ill try your idea! Thanks for that :slight_smile:

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