Hey! So I have been browsing around helping on the forums lately. I want to take a big part in the CFX.RE Community, so I present to you: OnDuty911, A versatile 911 script that strides to make a tidy-free LEO/EMS Response!
Very nice. A play on my current 911 system. Except this is exactly what I was just coding myself but I know f all about coding really when it comes to lua. But I was getting tired of the 911 in the chat window getting drowned out. This is almost exactly what I have been looking for today kinda shocked it came out today lol.
Would you be able to add a blip on the map for panic and 911 too? (didnt see one on the main map or minimap in preview)? Edit: I just saw your post that you are adding them in on next update. Looking forward to it. Something like:
AddEventHandler('911:setBlip', function(name, x, y, z)
blip = AddBlipForCoord(x, y, z)
SetBlipSprite(blip, 4)
SetBlipScale(blip, 0.3)
SetBlipColour(blip, 4)
AddTextComponentString('911 Call - ' .. name)
table.insert(blips, blip)
Wait(displayTime * 1000)
for i, blip in pairs(blips) do
Thanks! I had this idea because most scripts require EVERYONE to have access to seeing it. I will add blips in the next update, thanks for the head start!
Yes, I did know about the t-notify notifications, I just had to reinstall t-notify and forgot to change it.
I am looking forward to the development of my script, if you have any script ideas or ideas for this script, send me a DM as I’d love to hear about it.
I’m getting the same error I’ve installed PoliceEMSActivity and t-notify, made sure they are both started before OnDuty911 yet it still displays the below error:
Hey, please make sure you have read our documents, this can be due to the code in PoliceEMSActivity. I am currently working on v2, which will make this problem get solved automatically.
Hey, sorry about that I downloaded .rar version linked directly to the post which didn’t have the “PoliceEMSActivity Files” folder in it, I’ve now fixed the issue, however, I’ve noticed that the chat messages are being sent to everyone even though it’s triggering a client event, is there anyway to fix this?