[STANDALONE] [FREE] Nexus Fivem Hit Marker

Fivem hit marker by nexus

We have decided to create and share the Hit Marker Script for free, something that many people have been searching for and wanting for a long time, with my friend.



Code is accessible Yes
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 66+
Requirements standalone
Support Yes

no way someone made the hud from Fornite xD , looks awesome good job :+1:
thanks for the free hitmarkers.

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Lol that is the one thing i wasnt expecting today


Does not seem to work?

Agreed, doesn’t work at all. Thought it was something on my end, but ran this on a fresh build and still nothing showed when damaging a Ped or Player

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i’ll check it again and update if it doesnt work

You fix that myb?

Wdym bro

This script don’t work to me :confused: idk why…