Could you possibly add the option to choose what type and colour armour to add. For example I have a custom armour model for police. How would the script know to put that one on?
Hi there bro. So it took me a long time and only now discovered that when you remove any of the vests it will always give you back the 1st vest. So my first vest is maybe the Police vest and the second is for civilians. When they remove their vest which is different they receive the police vest.
I tried to remove that the Player gets an Vest dressed because like the Police already has a Vest on but it just does not work i removed everything but still the player gets a vest
exports(‘bulletproofvest’, function(data)
local playerPed = cache.ped
local armour = GetPedArmour(playerPed)
ox_inventory:useItem(data, function(data)
if not data.metadata.armour then
SetPedArmour(playerPed, Config.VestComponent.bulletproofvest.armourQuantity + armour)
SetPedArmour(playerPed, armour + data.metadata.armour)
is it possible to make it so every tier of vest is linked to particular vest from clothingstore? So, I can make different icons and skin the vest to match?
Should be fixed if u redownload the script, anyway if this not working i will still looking for a solution i want to still being standalone. So i dont have so much time to do things. Sry
If u get a solution feel free to pr it thanks