[Standalone] [Free] Apollo Block Minigame

Hello, Fellow Players!

Small release today, but definitely one that I think is worth something.
This is a block minigame intended only for developers, it is not a “direct script” of sorts and requires implementation into another script.

How To Use In Your Script:

-- Register Command Just For Example, Include The Export In Your Actual Script
RegisterCommand('ApolloMinigameExample', function()
        if success then
            -- Completed Event Code Here
            -- Failed Event Code Here
    end, true, true, true, true, 'Header Test Example', '#62cff8')
    -- RequireMultipleClicks (Random 1-5) Per Block, PlaySoundOnClick, ShowPercent, ShowFlame, HeaderText, BoxColor

If you need it, here is the corresponding fxmanifest.lua

games({ 'gta5' })


Editable Options:

- You can also change the flame image by replacing the image "FLAME_WHITE.png" in the html folder.
- RequireMultipleClicks (Random 1-5) Per Block, PlaySoundOnClick, ShowPercent, ShowFlame, HeaderText, BoxColor

Thanks, enjoy! If you find an interesting use for it, be sure to post a screenshot of it in use!

Code Accessible: Yes
Support: Sure, DM me @ ApolloStudios#4510
Line Of Code: 500+

Apollo-Minigame.zip (34.6 KB)

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I enter the server with the script running and it gets stuck on the screen like this
the folder called Apollo-Minigame

please fix. I really like this minigame


have you registered the export in a loop? This might be the cause of the issue. Make sure to only register it on a command. I have uploaded a test above in the original post, if you use this script format does this still display on the screen? I can’t seem to replicate the issue.

It’s not related to the command, the way I enter the server the script is activated in (ensure) so it appears on the screen and you can’t throw it away (only if i stop the script)
this is stuck on the middle of the screen

Ah, right I see what you mean. If you go into the folder “html/app.js” and scroll right to the bottom you’ll see 4 function calls. Go ahead and delete those last 4 lines. The script will now work perfect for you. I’ll update the main post now :slight_smile:

i delete this

now this is stuck like this

after i do this command

RegisterCommand(‘minitest’, function()
if success then
– Completed Event Code Here
– Failed Event Code Here
end, true, true, true, true, ‘Header Test Example’, ‘#62cff8’)
– RequireMultipleClicks (Random 1-5) Per Block, PlaySoundOnClick, ShowPercent, ShowFlame, HeaderText, BoxColor