[Standalone] Firework Box on Ground

And if you would be kind pls remove it from your github and fork it from mine and make the edits

this isn’t my first “script”

and sure

Thank you.

@TTVResqDiver1317 any chance you can give him the line to add to the server.cfg, I lost it and don’t want to rewrite it

I don’t actually have it in my server.cfg. I am using Discord Ace Perms but if he knows anything about ace perms, he can take my line and change it.

This is what I have for my perms (but I’m using DiscordAcePerms [Release] to manage my ace’s based on Discord roles.
add_ace Staff.Group "bz.fwcmds" allow but I have this in a separate file specifically for ace perms that are controlled via Badger’s resource.

If you want to just allow yourself, you can add this to your server.cfg
add_ace identifier.steam:yoursteamhexid "bz.fwcmds" allow

or if you are wanting to add multiple people do
add_principal identifier.steam:yourhexid fireworks.group
add_principal identifier.steam:someoneelseshexid fireworks.group
add_ace fireworks.group "bz.fwcmds" allow

I muddle my way through Ace Perms so I’m about 95% sure that should allow it to work for ya

appreciate it

Hello @bzisniper your script is amazing but i have 1 problem. The prop is not spawning or the fireworks box is not spawning can you help me out

When you run the command, press F8 to see your console and see if it is giving you any messages about it

its not that is the problem but i think i kind of fix it but when the animation is playing i don’t have anything in my hands

how do i remove the permissions??

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@bzisniper i actually cant get it to work.

Im having issues with the permissions, how to remove it so I can use the script?

scroll up mate… there is literally a message about how to do so :wink:

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yo can i have a ‘train ticket to the paridise’ i was just playing then the tsunami came and i now dont have a ticket pls can i have one

Can’t get it work

i cant quite get the perms to work i dont have ace perms anyway to make this work without it?

Can anyone help me get this to work? I’ve tried everything and I can’t. My base is VRP.

When I give the command /sf it says I don’t have permission for that…

all permissions here and nothing working

add_principal identifier.steam:yourhexid fireworks.group
add_principal identifier.steam:someoneelseshexid fireworks.group
add_ace fireworks.group "bz.fwcmds" allow


hey bro i cant load into the server


When Trying to add this we had problems with getting it to work
Its Said we had no perms for it