Is group.police configured and assigned to you?
If you don’t already have it set to true, set the useCommand
config to true and try typing /badge in game and let me know if it says you don’t have permission to use it.
yes already assigned but still say that i dont have permission
I did also try to type badge as command - nothing happens…
Are you receiving any errors in your client or server console?
No, and thats confusing. I uploaded the whole script for a test without any changes.
I tried all 3 Jobs -no badge, no error, not anything. Its frustrating
same goes to me
That is a cool release!
Known Issue: This script currently will not work with ESX. I plan on implementing ESX support soon.
How do I use it with ace permissions
check PR for esx
Tried that myself but the badge was off centered.
Just saw it, I am going to make some slight adjustments (just putting stuff in config.lua, etc.) and will update it tonight.
You have to adjust the rotation and placement via the coordinates provided in the file…
Ah. Didn’t see that.
Support for ESX has been added.
Is there a list with availlable probs for SWAT and/or police maybe?
I tried to put swat and fbi within the permissions, but… i dont know how.
I tried it like this example
RegisterCommand(config.commandName, function()
if config.useCommand then *
if config.useESX then *
if playerData.job and == 'police',*
elseif playerData.job and == 'fbi',*
elseif playerData.job and == 'swat' then *
end *
else *
if leoAcePerm then*
TriggerEvent('chat:addMessage', {*
color = {255, 92, 92},*
multiline = true,*
args = {'[Error]', config.commandErrorMessage}*
end, false)
Any idea how to get it working?
I will add a list in the config tonight.