[STANDALONE][ESX] Police Prop Spawner (with stop npc car)

Hello, it’s a little bit hard for me to explaine this resource,
hope the video can explaine better than me!


  • A spawner and delete editor objects for police
  • When you place an object the NPC cars will stop
  • Usefull also for lock a street for players but obliviously players need to stop themselfes :rofl:
  • Escrow active, config editable
  • If resource stop or you will go out of server objects will be deleted
  • At moment only you can manage your objects, in the next version all the member of the faction will be able to manage objects spawned. I have also other ideas and hope you will have also to improve this system. Please note: In the next version (i think in one week if i have time) the price will be changed


Thank you, have fun!
If you like it: Tebex


Does this support ACE Perms to restrict who can use it on a Standalone server?

You can setup yourself this, server side is not obfuscate (if I remember, if it’s obfuscate I will fix this evening). In config you have 2 options, one for esx job (police) and standalone it’s free command for everyone

started using this today - and as with any script our first job it to try and break the script.

  1. If a player breaks the barriers or cones by ramming them - the stop for the NPC is still active, meanwhile we are unable to remove said prop because its been pushed or broken.

– Possible solution to all this is one more button that “clears” the script of all props that the original player put down.
– Possible soultion 2, have it check if the original player is within 200 meters still. If they arnt, it clears. That way if something breaks they can just walk away a little bit and traffic will resume.

  1. The distance for the NPC stopping maybe make it smaller? when we place a cone on Joshua in 1 lane, it shuts both lanes down.

– Maybe make a config to allow certain items - distances.

Thank you so much for you freedback, i’m working on a new version and i will follow your advices and fix your issues with this system soon as possible

appreciate it, I look forward to the update!

Sorry for delay, i’m still working on new version of this script, hope for tomorrow night i’ll complete it with all the testing sync :slight_smile:

thank you, please let us know once its done :smiley:

checking in for an update

Sorry for delay, I think today I will complete the last things! Anyway the breakable object it’s fixed and you can re download also now. About distance for any item it’s a cool idea, I will do like this. I was working on it all this time because I was searching an optimised way to load every objects for all the police players, and can manage the same objects

just checkin in! :smiley:

So… checking in again on this.

Alls I really need is for the items to be adjustable in terms of stopping traffic distance. The script is obstructed so I cant do this myself…

hey man, just bought the script

when are you planning to push the new update

  • i think you should add rotate option

  • the players cannot see props from a distance they only see it from close (cause accidents)

  • make that ObjectsSpawned{} table server wide so other officers can delete props

  • edit objectmodel{} table so we can adjust each prop with it’s own stop NPC distance

  • or maybe just make the script not encrypted so we can edit these things our self

Thank you for advice, I will work on it soon when I have time to stay on pc, anyway rotation works, press space and arrow keys

hey man, thanks for the reply

i`d like to request a refund you can find my purchase under the same account im sending this text with

why :

  • i cannot use your script at this moment for its lack of features
    and the problems it`s will casue me like officer throwing random props while no one else can remove and view distance and npc stopping from a far distance causing trrafic issues

maybe i`ll consider rebuying again when you release update

thank you for your time

Sure, I will today

ya im sitting patiently waiting for the update… lol

You have right, was a long bad time and i really had no time, but please type me in private let me send you a good coupon for your patient