[STANDALONE] Enhanced Car Crash

Enhanced Car Crash for FiveM servers


  • The script is fully standalone
  • Easy installation and no framework requirements
  • Detailed config in which you can customize everything in detail for yourself
  • Low resmon on client (0.00 - 0.01ms)


Config = {}

-- Hi, i'am beeju :)

-- Percentage of probability of wheel breakage from 1 to 100
local breakProbability = {
    [0] = 20,  -- Compacts
    [1] = 15,  -- Sedans
    [2] = 10,  -- SUVs
    [3] = 20,  -- Coupes
    [4] = 25,  -- Muscle
    [5] = 20,  -- Sports Classics
    [6] = 20,  -- Sports
    [7] = 25,  -- Supercars
    [8] = 5,   -- Motorcycles
    [9] = 5,   -- Off-road
    [10] = 10, -- Industrial
    [11] = 5, -- Utility
    [12] = 10, -- Vans
    [13] = 0,  -- Bicycles
    [14] = 0,  -- Boats
    [15] = 0,  -- Helicopters
    [16] = 0,  -- Airplanes
    [17] = 15,  -- Service
    [18] = 5,  -- Emergency
    [19] = 5,  -- Military
    [20] = 2,  -- Commercial
    [21] = 0   -- Trains

-- Percentage of probability of getting a concussion from 1 to 100
local classConcussionProbability = {
    [0] = 10,  -- Compacts
    [1] = 15,  -- Sedans
    [2] = 20,  -- SUVs
    [3] = 25,  -- Coupes
    [4] = 25,  -- Muscle
    [5] = 35,  -- Sports Classics
    [6] = 30,  -- Sports
    [7] = 30,  -- Supercars
    [8] = 2,   -- Motorcycles
    [9] = 10,  -- Off-road
    [10] = 15, -- Industrial
    [11] = 5, -- Utility
    [12] = 20, -- Vans
    [13] = 0,  -- Bicycles
    [14] = 0,  -- Boats
    [15] = 0,  -- Helicopters
    [16] = 0,  -- Airplanes
    [17] = 20, -- Service
    [18] = 10, -- Emergency
    [19] = 5, -- Military
    [20] = 2, -- Commercial
    [21] = 0   -- Trains

local wheelBreakSpeed = 160 -- wheelbreak speed threshold
local speedFactor = 0.5 -- Increased probability of wheelbreak as a function of speed

local concussionSpeedThreshold = 130 -- Concussion speed threshold
local concussionEffectDuration = 5000
local healthReductionOnConcussion = 20 -- Health reduction

-- Parameters for the screen effects
local screenFadeOutDuration = 4000  -- Flash blackout duration (in milliseconds)
local screenFadeInDuration = 6000   -- Screen recovery time (in milliseconds)
local blinkInterval = 3000          -- Blink interval (in milliseconds)
local blinkCount = 3               -- Base number of blinks

-- Delay before the screen blackout starts
local fadeStartDelay = 300

-- Blink increase factor depending on speed
local blinkCountFactor = 0.1

-- Coefficient of increase of shaking intensity depending on speed
local shakeIntensityFactor = 1.5

-- Intensity of the drunken camera effect
local drunkShakeIntensity = 1.5

-- Parameters for the noir filter
local applyNoirFilter = true

-- Don't touch returns bellow
return {
    breakProbability = breakProbability,
    wheelBreakSpeed = wheelBreakSpeed,
    speedFactor = speedFactor,
    concussionSpeedThreshold = concussionSpeedThreshold,
    classConcussionProbability = classConcussionProbability,
    concussionEffectDuration = concussionEffectDuration,
    healthReductionOnConcussion = healthReductionOnConcussion,
    screenFadeOutDuration = screenFadeOutDuration,
    screenFadeInDuration = screenFadeInDuration,
    blinkInterval = blinkInterval,
    blinkCount = blinkCount,
    fadeStartDelay = fadeStartDelay,
    blinkCountFactor = blinkCountFactor,
    shakeIntensityFactor = shakeIntensityFactor,
    drunkShakeIntensity = drunkShakeIntensity,
    applyNoirFilter = applyNoirFilter,
    drunkWalkingStyle = drunkWalkingStyle

Other stuff:
[STANDALONE] “Parkour V”
[STANDALONE] “emotePos”
[FREE] “Damage Shake”

Code is accessible Only config
Subscription-based No
Requirements Any framework
Support Yes

do it break random wheels or is it just specific ones?

random wheels

I really loved that moves with the parkour! Keep up the great work, let me know if you are open for freelance projects about it :slight_smile: <3

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