[STANDALONE] Dumpster Search (Now open source)

Hello everyone, today we will introduce you to the dumpster searching script/minigame for your RolePlay server.

Choosing a starting point in a dumpster and exploring slots near already revealed slots is the whole point of this minigame, if you hit on a rare item, you have to beat the arcade minigame.
Inspired by Hobo: Tough Life game.


  • Eeasily adoptable to any existing framework (INCLUDING CUSTOMS)
  • Customizable dumpster sizes
  • Customizable minigame difficulties
  • Customizable dumpster items, chances and minigames
  • Customizable cooldowns

Exposed functions for:

  • Giving items
  • Notifications
  • Getting image URL for UI
  • On item reveal hook


Price: $10 + TAX / $25 + TAX (Open source)
Buy [STANDALONE] version

Code is accessible Depends on package version
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 354 LUA + 1000+ NUI
Requirements N/A
Support Yes

Some additional informations

  • Well optimized
  • Professional code, UI made in Vue v3 and minigame rendered using canvas
  • Discord

we are using QBcore, line one in server/hooks.s.lua line 1, what should it be? we have tried qb, qbcore, qbinventory, qb-inventory, qb_inventory.

QBCore implementation example is on our Discord server. It looks like this:

local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject()

function GiveItem(source, itemData)
    local itemCount = (type(itemData.count) == 'table' and math.random(table.unpack(itemData.count)) or itemData.count) or 1
    QBCore.Functions.GetPlayer(source).Functions.AddItem(itemData.item, itemCount)

Thank you, I looked for a link to the discord on the website but could not find it.

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Does this support qb-target? Or is the code open enough to do it myself if not supoorted by default?

Now available in open source version as well