[Standalone] AP-GameHud Virtual In-Game HUD

(PREVIEW) Script In Action

Hello, Fellow Players! :wave:
Another small release today.

This is an in-game HUD.
It is fully dynamic: Updates live on the game so that means your health, ammo & magazine are true values.

How To Install Script Properly

This download contains 2 resources, you need both of them.
In your server, ensure that "utility_lib" is started first or the UI will not work correctly.

Thanks & enjoy! If you find an interesting use for it, be sure to post a screenshot of it in use!
ap-gamehud.zip (60.4 KB)

Code Accessible: Yes
Support: Sure, DM me @ ApolloStudios
Line Of Code: 50-100+


nice one bro

It’s definitely not stolen - it uses the “utility_lib” resource the same as that one - it’s a UI functionality library.

Plus, this resource is free.

Take a brief look at the code and you’d realize this is completely custom (Bar using UtilityLib for its INTENDED PURPOSE)

I’m also sure @XenoS.exe can confirm.

yes, this is just an ui, the utility weapons is more than an ui, however it would be better if you posted the resource on github and possibly do not redistribute the utility library

Thank you for clearing this out