Stack blips

Hello, I need help for stacking blips. ( Before I start, I’m sorry if my english can be bad, I’m french so I can have difficult )

I explain what I trying to do.
I have a proprety script on my server, and in some place there is too much blips. Actually I can place only one blips and every blips need to be separate by a certain distance. And what I want to do it’s to make possible to place one blips on another one for stacking them, and when player will interact with one of them, if in near of him there is more than 1 blips the second ( and all others ) will be listed in a menu where he will can chose with what proprety he want to access. And if there is only one property near the player directly interact with the property

I maked two screen for trying to explain better what I want to say.
In the first screen it’s actually the script how it work and show the property

In the second, I show how I want for it look like with te Property #1 and Property 2

I hope that I doesn’t have’d a too bad english and you can understand my ask.