SSD - Holster
an advanced holster script for your server!


  • Framework Support for QB, Standalone and ESX
  • Create Unlimited Holsters for handguns and stunguns
  • Quick Weapon Draw when you have your hand at the holster
  • Full Configurability
  • Working Pistol & Taser Holsters
  • Use custom animations
  • Support for every ped
  • UI to choose the holster
  • 3 different hand on holster animations

:movie_camera:Preview: Preview
:scroll:Config Preview: click
:hourglass_flowing_sand: Resmon: 0.03

📸 Images

Screenshot 2024-02-27 131806

:heavy_dollar_sign:Buy me (4.76€)

I recommend: Belt

Know Bugs:

  • Tazer Holster animation doesnt work - I havent found a good animation right now
Code is accessible :o:
Subscription-based :x:
Lines (approximately) 1400
Requirements Interact-Sound
Compatible (core) QBCore / ESX / Standalone
Support :white_check_mark:

What does “O” indicate for “Code is accessible” ? Is the code 100% accessible or not?

You can access some files, but not all of them. The following files are accessible:
config.lua, index.html, style.css

So why use this script when Scully Holster has been the standard does your script offer anything different compared to his or other scripts?

I don’t think Scully’s holster is the standard script. I have never heard about it before.
Not everyone wants to buy a script for 30$. But the decision is up to each individual.