Sqlban & EasyAdmin banlist to see bans

Hi, I am releasing this banlist php script that we are using on our website to see all the bans, and better handle unbans, see ip-adresses and so on…

There is function to anonymize ips by default is on if you want to turn it off you just need change the value: $ips = false; to $ips = true;

You need to but your mysql details to these fields:

    $servername = "databaseipdomain.com";
    $username = "username";
    $password = "password";
    $dbname = "database";

Here you can find the banlist script for EasyAdmin & BanSql: https://github.com/nomercyfin/FiveM-BanSql-Banlist

Required to have: GitHub - RedAlex/FiveM-BanSql: Ban compatible mysql or GitHub - Blumlaut/EasyAdmin: Admin Menu for FiveM and RedM

Here is working demo: https://porttikiellot.nomercy.fi/


+20.04.2020 Added EasyAdmin support thanks for request!

Screenshot of the scoreboard:


I am confused…
Where do I put the banlist.php

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Hi, we just did some updates, we are now supporting easyadmin too. You need to have webhosting that has PHP support.

I am with zap-hosting but I am confused where to put my banlist.php.

You need to get webhosting with them and but it on public_html then edit correct mysql info to script and, then you got working script.


But i dont have ea_bans on my sql, since i use EasyAdmins, its all in the json?

you need: https://github.com/Bluethefurry/EasyAdmin-MySQL

Wow nice bruh!

cant understand your request?

Well, can you make a version standing on Webadmin?

Link is dead