Spotlight - Enhanced Sync

Is the spotlight script loading? Check F8 in game for any errors.

Feel free to submit a PR if you’re familiar with C#. I’ll add it to the list of possible features, though.

im not quite familiar and don’t want to rip off your work but i am currently working on making it work from my countrys roof lamp on the police car instead of the wheel or side as US in this script :slight_smile:

Don’t worry about that. It’s open source for a reason :+1:t2:. It’s tough to pick a spot that looks reasonable for all cars. I pretty much just averaged out all the default cars and found the current spot to be the best in most cases.

You can definitely change that and it’ll fit your specific car(s) better.

Not sure if this is possible but I remember in one of the single player spotlight scripts for either GTA IV or GTA V had a configurable corona that you could set up (basically just by trial/error with coordinates) for each vehicle if you wished.

Maybe add that to the config file if possible?

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It would be cool if you could use the “DrawSpotLightWithShadow” native and also make it a smooth constant motion when moving the light, similar to how Department of Justice does theirs. I think that would be a pretty neat change. Would probably take some work, but would be awesome to see, adding to the realism of the spotlight mechanic.

Also, the spotlight with shadow allows to see inside the vehicle better, and also not project a light completely through the vehicle onto the other side without a shadow existing.

It’d be cool to hear what you think about this idea, and would be amazing to see in a future update!


How do i edit the position of the spotlight? Because right now it seems to originate in the fender well of most vehicles

I am looking for a helicopter with the spot light script and all the other good stuff. PLEASE someone help.

i think this is something for u: [Release] Heli Script

Anyway to make the radius of the spotlight smaller?

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