Spooni Stables (6 Stables for RDR2)

The Stables pack includes 6 Stables, some of which are special like a Horse Stable or a Chicken Coop

All Stables are fixed elements and can be entered, no Rainfall Inside the Stables.

You can Place the Stables everywhere on the map and Save it as Ymap.

You need Spooner or a other mapping tool to place the Props.

it is also possible to integrate the props into a building script without any problems,

You want to have a special Prop or House for your server write to us.

We make everything possible. Instructions on how to install the Stables can be found in the package.

Tebex: https://spooni-mapping.tebex.io/category/rdr2-props

Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nLuUgd3QloU

| Code is accessible | Yes |
| Subscription-based | Yes |
| Lines (approximately) | 1487 |
| Requirements | Spooner |
| Support | Yes |