Speeding up your Server 101 (Windows)

Hey @zr0iq,

thanks for that awesome tutorial!
Im currently trying to use UI for ETW on my Windows Server.
Im starting my FxServer.exe via a .bat file.
The Problem i have right now is that after recording in UIforETW and opening it in WPA i cannot see the “FXServer.exe” or any other process i can only see “UIforETW.exe”. Ive tried an older version of UIforETW but that didnt help :(. Any ideas why that might be ?


Good afternoon!
Were you able to verify it somehow? I don’t find the FXServer.exe process in Generic Events, only in CPU Usage. I’m having network thread hitch warning issues with about 400~600 players connected, causing about 95% of them to disconnect.

I’m using TXAdmin

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I am having the same issue, fxserver.exe only shows in the CPU Usage. It doesn’t show in the Generic Events. Only the UIforETW.exe shows. Any ideas? TIA.

Hey generally for profiling there is no need for ETW anymore :slight_smile:
You can use the serversided resmon (only on windows) by typing svgui in the txadmin console and then going to your cmd window. Or you can use the profiler (profiler record 200 and then profiler view)

There is most definitely a need for ETW. Why is it that whenever I save an ETL file the event names don’t show up in the list anymore like others have shown? I need to use this to diagnose some network thread hitches that I am having and without the event data anymore this is unhelpful. What changed that made the event names stop showing?

Anyone can help or know a better method than this? This doesnt work for me… FXserver doesnt show in the top part as described. I get thos annoying hitch that i wanna figure out

In case people are still finding this (at the time of this comment) 5 year old guide when searching for how to debug server hitches, there’s a much better method now: Use the built-in profiler that is available by default on both the FiveM client and the FXServer. Using the profiler - Cfx.re Docs
Super easy to use and you can share your profiler results quite easily as well!

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