Spawned ped will not join created group / C#

So I’ve been experimenting with peds recently but I’ve run into a problem that’s got me stumped. I’m trying to spawn a ped, add it to a group, then make that group hostile to the player ped’s group. The ped is spawning correctly and the group is being created, I checked using DoesGroupExist, but when I try to get the spawned ped to join the group, it doesn’t work and IsPedInGroup returns false. Here’s my code:

public class Main : BaseScript
    public Main()
        API.RegisterCommand("spawnzombie", new Action(SpawnZombie), false);


    private async static void SpawnZombie()
        Ped player = Game.Player.Character;                                                                                    
        while (!API.HasModelLoaded((uint)(PedHash)1684083350))                                                                  
            Debug.WriteLine("Waiting for model to load...");                                                                     
            await BaseScript.Delay(100);
        Ped zombie = await World.CreatePed((PedHash)1684083350, player.Position + (player.ForwardVector * 2));                   

        int zombieGroup = API.CreateGroup(0);

        API.SetPedAsGroupMember(zombie.Handle, zombieGroup);

Am I missing something here? Any help would be appreciated.

I don’t think ped groups are supported in state awareness mode, nor are they generally recommended in multiplayer contexts due to fairly low limits on group counts.

I suspected that but wasn’t sure. Thanks for the reply!