Southern Justice RP 2.0 | Serious | VMenu | Lore-friendly Texas | 16+ | Whitelisted

Southern Justice Roleplay hiring all departments!

Discord: Application Server | Southern Justice Roleplay 2.0
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Southern Justice Roleplay (SJRP) was founded in September 2021 and opened to the public November 1st. SJRP is a lore friendly server with southern roots and platforms, but is welcome for anyone. While we’re lore friendly and have our own laws, the department cars and uniforms are based on Texas departments. The mass majority of our uniforms, cars, etc. are custom made in-house. There are regular updates and improvements to the server every week. It is our goal & plan to grow into a 24/7 server. Since we are still growing, there are very near opportunities for supervisor/command positions if you prove yourself to be worthy. Real life experience is always a plus (Note: If you claim to be an IRL first responder, we will request verification. False claims will be reported to the authorities).

SJRP Experience:
The SJRP administration members have a combined total of over 25 years of roleplay experience. In addition to roleplay experience, portions of the administration are real life first responders, both law enforcement and fire & rescue. We have many members in both law enforcement, fire & rescue, and military.

Assets -

  • CAD
  • SCN Radio
  • Custom Penal Code
  • Custom EUP
  • MLOs Across the Map
  • Custom Police Vehicles
  • Dozens of Civilian Vehicles
  • Server Side Gun Sounds
  • Server Side Sirens for Each Dept.


  • Los Santos Police Department (Hiring) (Based on the Houston Police Department, TX)
  • Blaine County Sheriff’s Office (Hiring) (Based on the Harris County Sheriff’s Office, TX)
  • San Andreas Department of Public Safety (CLOSED) (Based on the Texas Dept. of Public Safety)
  • San Andreas Fire & Rescue (Hiring) (Based on the Woodland’s Fire Department, TX)
  • Communications (Hiring)
  • Civilian (Open)
  • We also now have part-time departments. These are available to anyone who is in a full-time LEO department but would like to run something else from time to time. The majority of these are county constables for each precinct. These all have their own uniforms and cars custom made in house. As always, we are always open to ideas and suggestions to make everything better.

All departments within SJRP are independent of each other. Each has their own agency command responsible for establishing a department SOP, uniforms, vehicles, etc.

If you would like to join, join our discord server! Application Server | Southern Justice Roleplay 2.0

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This server is one of the most realistic out there. The administration and members strive for the best, most realistic experience possible. Updates are very frequent which creates more enjoyable role play. The admin staff are also very open to comments and concerns. The departments also has the best of the best equipment, expanding the capabilities of LEO RP. The civilian side can also create official business’s, along with a very user friendly set up. This server is what true LEO RP is all about.


Fantastic server!!! Always active, has amazing resources, the cars are amazing, and the safe is always striving to make the server better.

I love the new look to LS County, it really fits well with the server. Blaine County has the sexiest uniforms in the server. Can wait to see what they do with the constable’s offices. The cars on all the departments are a near 1:1 replica.

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Our brand new Blaine County ESD 11 Private Ambulance service is now hiring. It is one of 2 private EMS companies in SJRP. Based on Harris County ESD 11, they serve the entire Blaine County area and provide emergency medical treatment and assistance in cooperation with the San Andreas Fire Department.

Visit the main post above to get the discord invite link!

We’ve updated the Los Santos Police Department! It is now visually based on the Houston Police Department in Texas. For more info on LSPD, you can join our discord or view our website.

We are now fully whitelisted! Most departments are hiring and have open positions. Join the application discord to start the process! Application Server | Southern Justice Roleplay 2.0

We’re looking to repopulate the server after a fresh start. Join our application discord to start the process. We’re looking for serious roleplay members that want in depth roleplay.

Since we’re rebuilding our roster after going whitelisted, there are many opportunities to rise in the ranks and become command in most injuries. While whitelisted, our process is short and simple. Come check us out!

The Los Santos Police department is hiring, join our discord to start the process!