Source sdk base 2007 on steam

hi guys.
i have bought gtav on rockstar games social club, then played little online (its boring).
i download fivem (everything go fine) after i see on my steam account i have played source sdk base 2007.
i dont know how i played it. can i delete it? i only know its from fivem mod yes? i see some streamers on twitch download somethings, add games on steam(?) then normally played. i dont remember it well. sory for my eng

FiveM uses Source SDK to connect to steam services, so no


You can add external programs to Steam, but on your profile they will not be shown.

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thank you man
i have another questions
do i need to have steam always on while playing fivem?
can i hide or change that source sdk from my profile steam?
my profile:

Depends on the server you are connecting to. Some require your steam ID to identify you.

No, you cannot.


thanks a lot man!
do i need to download source sdk from steam>tools?

No! Why would you? If FiveM works, it works. You aren’t developing with the Source SDK yourself.

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ok i dont know why i would download this, nevermind
thank you for all help!
can i close it?

It depends, see my previous answer

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why is now 2013? in recently games there is only 2007 version.
(translated) join now to the game. watch the game.
that means anyone can join me? what?
thank you for helping me so much love (no homo)

no people can not just join you from steam… its only there to verify or get your steam id.

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