Something's wrong with MySQL

Hey all. First of all let me explain that I’m not using the Tech Support Template because this is a server issue and not an issue with FiveM itself.

I didn’t want to create a new thread here for MySQL problems because I noticed this category is mostly for Client problems, but I had no choice. I have been trying to fix this issue for 2 or 3 days now with no success. I also posted about my problem in the mysql-async release topic but have gotten nowhere. I will be copy pasting most of the comment I made there into here.

I followed the steps to setup EssentialMode, esplugin_mysql and mysql-async, and have backtracked to check if I did something wrong and I really can’t find anything out of place. The first thing I noticed that I found weird is that right after my server initializes mysql-async it prints “false” in the console.
(I was informed that this “false” is printed out by essentialmode and possibly means that it’s using the mysql plugin instead of couchdb.)

The server doesn’t display any errors on startup. But when someone joins the server, that’s when it spits out some errors:
join errors

Also whenever anyone joins the server it creates a new entry in the users table, even if it was already existing. Here’s the users table after I joined the server 5 times:
db spam
This is how my server.cfg looks like:
server.cfg (1.7 KB)
I put “essentialmode” as database because that’s the database that the SQL file bundled with esplugin_mysql created. Is this wrong?

Alright let me list what I have tried so far:
-Updated all my drivers.
-Updated my FX server to the latest version.
-Reinstalled EssentialMode (including es_admin).
-Reinstalled esplugin_mysql.
-Reinstalled mysql-async.
-Reinstalled MySQL server itself a couple times, switching between 32 and 64 bits versions as well.
-Started up the server with no plugins at all except the default ones + mysql-async, essentialmode, esplugin_mysql and es_admin (in that order).
-Deleting the cache folder every time I startup the server while trying to fix this issue.

Here is the full server log from start up to me joining:
CitizenFX.log (6.4 KB)
This happens not only with me but with everyone who joins my server.

I have also spent hours looking at Lua code trying to backtrack to see if I could find anything hinting to what I could have done wrong. Yet no luck. All I know is that the error in the server console refers to this:

(This is in server.lua in esplugin_mysql)

Sorry for the long post but this is most likely my last resort to fixing this.

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