Hey, this is my first post, if there is anything I can do better, please say it. Now the Problem. Some player on my server has problems with our HUD and the ox_inventory HUD. When he is opening his inventory, his full screen gets blurred, but the actual inventory doesn’t load. The “normal” HUD has no real parameters. So he has the player ID 20, but the script says ID 1. Or 0/48 players, the HUD doesn’t show him his money, job, location, weapon or things like that.
my inventory went over what the limit is and now i cant add anything else but i dont want to loose my items what do i do?
I’m really sorry, but why are you asking in this forum post? I need help with a problem, that doesn’t let the HUD load for some players on my Server. If you are a Player on a Server and don’t want to lose your items, I can’t help you. If you are the Server Owner, you can simply adjust the inventory weight limit…
Sorry i am new to using all of this so i didnt know where i was supposed to ask this question at tbh my fault though i figured it out now though i had just bought a pack of guns on the server i was on and didnt know what to do since my inventory was full i am sorry for asking on the wrong hud though my apologies