Where can i find the Color Hexes / Color value’s for Carcols?? Please help!
What you English is very bad
Is there some sort of link where i can find the color hex for the carcols?
Yes i think it is this. Thanks!
I have this problem
and if i want to change that i need to change something in carcols, But dont no what. Do you maby now what i need to change?
This is ELS what you mean or?
No its non els
I have no idea sry ()20 char
(20202020220 Char)
The Colour Hex Value that is used for the colour of the corona in the carcols.meta is done like this
Format: <color value="0xAARRGGBB"/>
<color value="0xFFFF0000"/>
<color value="0xFF0000FF"/>
<color value="0xFFFF5000"/>
<color value="0xFFFFFF00"/>
<color value="0xFF00FF00"/>
<color value="0xFFFF00FF"/>
<color value="0xFFFFFFFF"/>
I’m starting a FiveM/FivePD server and I’m trying to make the lights red and white but the red looks yellow on the vehicle. I have changed the color value to red and in game they look yellow on the vehicle, I have also changed the color textures on the vehicle. Is there a way to fix this?