[Solved] The opening notebook animation is something like on nopixel

Be sure to share or simply just set a solution to the problem for others with the same issue

The OP obviously changed their mind on what they are trying to do but I figured I’d reply back in case anyone else is going to use the code above.

Doing the Citizen.Wait(999999999) inside the if statement is going to have them get stuck in the scenario for eleven and a half days before it clears the ped tasks. There is no way to reach the next if statement where you are checking to see if they want to cancel the scenario without waiting the full duration.

Using a while loop that will break if the keys are pressed instead to have the wait will work as intended.

local ped = GetPlayerPed(-1)

    while true do

        if IsControlPressed(0, 182) and (DoesEntityExist(ped) and not IsEntityDead(ped)) then
            TaskStartScenarioInPlace(ped, "WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD", 0, true);
			while not (IsControlPressed(0, 32) or IsControlPressed(0, 33) or IsControlPressed(0, 34) or IsControlPressed(0, 35)) do


Yeah I know, it was just something I threw together on my phone.

It would be possible to block this animation in the vehicle, so that it would not block the opening of the scoreboard because I have the same key set up?

Here, just change Citizen.Wait (999999999), e.g. Citizen.Wait (5000)
How would anyone be willing to use the server with this animation

You just do an if not check for this native https://runtime.fivem.net/doc/reference.html#_0xA3EE4A07279BB9DB

WORLD_HUMAN_CLIPBOARD is only for Men… don’t work with girl :frowning: