[SOLVED] No clip with Lua

The link above is a Lua Script made for GTAV Singleplayer I believe, I really want to use this as a resource on my server but I am not sure how I could have it work on FiveM so basically I am asking for someone to either convert it for me or guide me in the right path to converting it.

On the side note, I have been looking around for a standalone NoClip script since the server-sided LambdaMenu I use doesn’t include the noclip and this is probably the closest I can get to what I am looking for. I am nowhere near advanced enough in Lua to create my own right now.

First off, it’s “Lua” (https://www.lua.org/about.html)

Anyway, you can take a look at ‘es_admin’, which has a noclip functionality built in. You can just copy the noclip part and make your own resource out of it for just noclipping.

I’ll keep that in mind. I’ll go ahead and give that a try right now and report back on how it goes.

Awesome, I got it working. Thanks a lot! I won’t be sharing/uploading this for others unless you wouldn’t mind it with 100% credits to you.