[Snippet] Show uptime in server list


i was referring to my comment…not the file.

can someone help me fix this i cant get it solved add Skurken#0001 on discord thank you.

I have intalled it and it worked perfectly THANK YOU!!!

Delete this

Yeah I agree, making a download would be better and more easier for us ‘lazy’ folks.

it literally takes 30 seconds to make the resource get over it

I can’t figure out how to create the resource, is there a download?

Would help, ikr.

FYI: variants of this snippet which add seconds to the timer are highly likely to cause your server to not get listed on the server list.

was literally going to say this THIS SUCKS THE LIFE OUT OF YOUR SERVER DO NOT USE!!!

Could you change

  • Mapname
  • Gametype

Thank you :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Oh dear…

Hopefully I’m not making this worse for people but it seems like everyone was confused about how to set it up, install it, etc. and the original author is adamant at keeping it as a snippet. So for those “lazy” people that just want a simple install I’ve created a GitHub repository just for this.

Like I said, hopefully I’m not stepping on anyones toes and not offending the original author. Just trying to help. I’ve made it as clear as possible that this is not my resource and I’m just packaging it up for people. If @Hawaii_Beach wants me to remove this repository I will but otherwise here’s the link with installation instructions and the required files you need to make this work as easily as possible.

Hope that helps.


It may come in handy :+1:

Thank You :+1:

I Need Help by the install

what type of script do i make for the code, i have the __resource but what am i making

so i added that command into my server.cfg but as for the rest of the file? where do i put it? the instrutions are not very clear of where to put it, and name it, i dont know what extention is a server sided file

anyway to fix the issue when scoreboard is up it stops character movement ??