Smuggler's Run & Doomsday Heist vehicles - Does FiveM support usage of bombs?

Just a very quick question, as the title says:

Does FiveM support the use of the bomb bay and the actual bombs on the new DLC vehicles?

I do have Lambda Menu alongside SimpleTrainer (I can mount the bombs under the Vehicle Mod Menu from SimpleTrainer, but not on Lambda Menu.), looked up the controls for the bomb bay for about four hours straight. I tried all keys on my keyboard but it seems I am unable to drop any bombs. I’ve got everything updated to the latest version, got a legitimate Steam copy of GTA V, and I’m trying this on my own public FiveM server.

~ Sirion

Wrong place, sorry mate try #general-discussion, this isnt technical support and the mods will probably get angry for not using the template…

Oh well, I nearly never use this forum anyway as most of the times I figure it out by myself, but right now I just couldn’t.

As of this “Template”, why would I have to fill it all out if the only thing I want to hear if it is supported yes or no? If it IS supported, then I can always search it up and fill it in afterwards, but if it’s NOT supported (yet) then what’s the point?

Moved to proper section… I’m not angry?

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Thanks @Briglair.

About this “angry” part, I’ve had a very bad experience with admins and mods when FiveM was still FiveReborn, and they got mad if you just asked their help by tagging an online Support Staff member… I mean, where in Jesus H. Fucking Christ are you Support Staff for then??? Guys back there were insanely low on patience. But I nearly never ask for help as like I said, mostly I can figure it out by myself.

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But btw, i haven’t had the best experience with brig, so he’s making me about to look stupid.
But yes you will have to go through the correct template, i got an admin/mod angry at me for not doing so.

If you were looking for support and do not fill the template, of course you will be told to use the template. If it is not something support related, why would the template need to be filled?

Great story.


For what it’s worth, if you were going into the Discord and you were in the #support channel tagging elements, that’s against the Discord rules which are found in #start-here. If you tagged so called support staff, there is no such thing. The #support channel is community driven by it’s members, not a dedicated support team.

Also, you state that you mostly can figure stuff out for yourself so why not script your own method of dropping bombs?

Hold on. I never said anything about knowing how to script.

First of all: I left the Discord server even before FiveReborn got renamed to FiveM, and there never was a #start-here channel when I was there.

Second of all: I know as much of scripting as a seagull knows how to swim; I know the very very basics of when to put a semicolon or whatever, other than that, I never scripted.

Why can’t people just give me a straight-forward plain answer to:
“Are the bombs of the Doomsday Heist vehicles and Smuggler’s Run vehicles naturally supported in FiveM?”

It’s a yes or no question… It’s the ONLY THING I have to know. I’m in no way looking to start a bloody discussion. I just need a plain answer. Because if it’s NOT supported I’m gonna LOOK for something else, which I can figure out myself. If it IS supported then likely I am doing something wrong. You understand now?

Well bud…if you’re comparing yourself to a seagull and swimming you may want to look for another analogy because seagulls swim very well… “Seagulls are excellent swimmers who are equally comfortable in the water and on land.”*

I also understood your question from the beginning… just didn’t like your attitude. /shrug


Well then we have something in common;

Why is it so God fucking hard to get a plain yes/no answer to a question? Always, everywhere, where ever you go, there are these assbats that open up useless discussions to sooooo simple questions. Do you want to fucking prove something? If you’re not intending to help me out with this then why are you even replying in the first place? Just fuck off. Folks like you made me leave the FiveM Discord in the first place, and refraining me from posting questions here, because all the time you have people just fucking around without intending to be much of help.

As far as I am aware they arent natively supported as in GTA Online you need to have it in your hangar to fill the bombs. So there may be an ammo type for bombs that you can apply to the avenger. I will look into it more.


Just found these natives

int _GET_AIRCRAFT_COUNTERMEASURE_COUNT(Vehicle aircraft); // 0xF846AA63DF56B804
void _SET_AIRCRAFT_COUNTERMEASURE_COUNT(Vehicle aircraft, int countermeasureCount); // 0x9BDA23BF666F0855
int _GET_AIRCRAFT_BOMB_COUNT(Vehicle aircraft); // 0xEA12BD130D7569A1
void _SET_AIRCRAFT_BOMB_COUNT(Vehicle aircraft, int bombCount); // 0xF4B2ED59DEB5D774
BOOL _ARE_BOMB_BAY_DOORS_OPEN(Vehicle aircraft); // 0xD0917A423314BBA8
float _GET_PLANE_HOVER_MODE_PERCENTAGE(Vehicle plane); // 0xDA62027C8BDB326E

Now can the elements maybe add these to the FiveM Native list.

I was just about to say, i think your right. For example when spawn in the deluxo it has the basics. In order to add rockets ECT it has to be inside the MOC or hanger. There the natives get applied.

Ah, so it requires something additional which is not officially implemented into FiveM itself? That figures why I couldn’t find anything about it, and why the bomb bay doors refused to open.

Like I said earlier, I use both Lambda Menu and SimpleTrainer, while Lambda Menu doesn’t show any modifications for those aircraft, SimpleTrainer does. I can select the four types of bombs “Explosive”, “Incendiary”, “Gas”, and “Cluster”, respectively. But still there wasn’t any sign of a hidden ability or button to actually drop them.

@Smallo Could you keep me updated on its progress? As I mentioned before, I have a server on FiveM, and I’d love to know if I need to update something server-side before this can be used.

Thanks guys. Cheers!

I made a new thread here about the natives.

I am at University today so can’t work on anything today, but tomorrow I will post my findings and let you know what I achieve.