
Hello! We are excited to announce that the Smart Codes project has officially started! Please take a moment to visit our website at and explore our Discord channels if you have an interest in FiveM scripts. We have exciting plans for future updates, and we have already created unique and advanced systems with attractive designs that you can see on Tebex. Our aim is to expand the project as much as we can.

Moreover, we are actively searching for talented individuals to join and help us expand our support team! If you are interested in joining our team, please create a ticket in the ⁠「:e-mail:」ticket channel to apply.

In addition, we are thrilled to inform you that we have organized a large giveaway as a gesture of appreciation towards our community. For more information, kindly refer to the ⁠「:tada:」giveaway channel. Thank you for your continued support and for being a part of our journey!

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