Smart Speed Cameras - London Studios - Configurable - MPH/KMH - Unlimited Cameras - [Standalone/QBCore/ESX/vRP]

Smart Speed Cameras - London Studios - (Paid)

A major update to our existing Average Speed Cameras resource, available for free to users who already had the existing version.

Smart Speed Signs adds high-tech and realistic speed cameras around the map which can be activated by players on your server, combined with a flash effect and integrated billing.

Smart Speed Cameras comes built in with two different types of cameras:

  • Static Cameras - These are the most frequent type of camera, which activates based on the speed of the vehicle as soon as it passes by.
  • Average Cameras - These work over an extended area on a road, with two sets of cameras calculating the average speed of the vehicle during the time it took to pass between both sets of cameras. This means that a vehicle would need to remain under the speed limit whilst driving between camera one and camera two for it not to activate.

We’ve pre-installed over 40 sets of cameras (80 individual) in the configuration file, making this easy to install and use. This is increasingly used around the world, especially in the UK as a more effective way to prevent speeding.

Discord Server

Join our Discord server here to stay up to date with new resources, exclusive previews and updates!


To purchase the resource, head to our Tebex store here.

Full Features

Discord Integration - We’ve included a configurable Discord integration, which allows you to easily log speeding events to your Discord community.
Detection Leeway - Easily allow a leeway for speeding, such as 10% + 2 MPH
Highly configurable - This is our most configurable resource yet, with full language support in our config and the ability to easily integrate it with vRP/ESX.
Add additional cameras - We’ve built in a new system which makes it easier than ever to create and place new cameras in game, so there is no need to manually add cameras to the json file.
Permission checks - You can easily add server-sided permission checks in sv_speedcameras.lua

Test it out

This vehicle can be tested before purchasing on our test server. To connect to our test server, press here . Use the /bollards create [name] command to make your own bollard set.

This resource uses the FiveM Tebex Escrow system found here along with all of our other resources. Our documentation website has information on how to download and update resources from this system.


London Studios are committed to ensuring high standard support is offered to all customers who have purchased this resource. Our support team will do our best to assist you, however in some circumstances we will be unable to assist, such as integrating it with a framework our support team may not be familiar.

We will respond to messages on the forum with requests for support, or through our panel here.


Take a look at some screenshots of the resource in action!

Average Speed

Average speed

Average speed

Static speed


This is incredible. Will definitely be getting it.

1 Like

Is this resource obfuscated? If so, consider adding that to the description to add more transparency.

Here’s a video of the cameras in action,

Maybe you could provide video of actual implementation i.e. driving car through them at high speed. Just looking at the in-game posts doesn’t show much.


Thank you for the suggestion, I will speak to our media team about creating a better video showing implementation.

London Studios

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Resource Usage:

We’ve had this resource measured to run at 0.01 on the resource monitor, seen by the screenshot below:

London Studios

Nice release. Is there an option to change to KM/H?

Wow this looks great! Will consider for sure!

1 Like


Thanks for your interest in the resource, we are glad you like the look of it.

London Studios


We’ve now updated the resource and you can easily change to KM/H in the config. This is in the main section of the config and looks like this:

main = {
    addPercentage = 10.0, -- This allows a 10% lee-way before classing the driver as speeding, set to 0 to disable
    addLimit = 2.0, -- This allows an addition of 2MPH to the speed limit before classing the driver as speeding, set to 0 to disable
    webhook = "HERE",
    webhookImage = "",
    webhookName = "Average Speed Camera",
    detectionRadius = 13.0, -- The distance from a camera you must be to start the detection process
    enableDiscordLogs = true,
    useKmh = false,

You can see that it simply requires changing the “useKmh” to true. This will update on the Discord webhooks and also use the speed limits you set in the config as KM/H instead of MPH.

London Studios

It’s a shame I don’t put fines, otherwise it would be perfect


This is something you can easily add to the resource - we can assist you with doing this.

London Studios

1 Like

Hello. I bought this script from the website. Now i bought it for a old server of mine which i then left as a developer. Now i am looking gat taking this script and changing the whitelist ip of it how do i go about doing this i can access the discord it says i am banned for some reason.


Contact us through direct message on the forum.

London Studios


What forum this forum? or the website london studios?

1 Like


You can click on our profile here on the FiveM forum and message us.

London Studios

What would the possibility be of add different colored cameras? Such as ones that blend into the landscape a bit better vs bright yellow. Maybe camera variation in the config file?

Probably still going to pick this up either way, but would be a nice addition.

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We’ve now updated this resource with the following:

  • Ability to restrict this to not activate on certain vehicle classes, such as police (class 18)
  • Ability to make the player’s screen flash in the config file
  • Ability to enable numberplates on the Discord logs
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