(/!\ Slow system performance detected) show up when I watching youtube or any video on browser. I want to know what caused it

Cpu : AMD Ryzen 7 5800H with Radeon Graphics 3.20 GHz
Ram : 16.0 GB (13.9 GB usable)
Gpu : Nvidia geforce rtx 3050 Ti laptop GPU
Reason for writing this thread because I want to know why my laptop cant watching youtube, twitch or any video on browser while playing Fivem.
My browser use Integrated to render video. So I try to change form Integrated to Nvidia GPU, and it work I can watching video while playing Fivem. But I want to know why I cant play video on Integrated
because this problem occur intermittently.
the symptom is suddenly less CPU usage and back to normal.

unknown.png (959×1028) (discordapp.com)
unknown.png (916×77) (discordapp.com)

I want to know this problem is normal or what, what’s the fix?
Could it be because of the RAM? or my cpu is working too hard?

Thank you <3

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