Slot Machines for RedM

BGS Slot Machine

A fully working, fully animated in game slot machine for RedM servers!

Finally, the pinnacle of gambling technology in 1899 made real in RedM.

Sit down at the slot machine, pull the handle, and watch those dials turn. Will you be a winner this time, or just drop another nickel in the toilet?

Machine locations and price are both configurable. Machines can be configured in a table setup with 4 machines to a table, and/or spawned on an individual basis.

Machines are fully animated to the player playing on them - handles and wheels both move accordingly.
Sound effects for wheels turning also included
- only plays for the individual on the machine.
Rewards are also configurable. Winning combinations are based off of the picture on the front of the machine.

Machines are usable by one player at a time.

Compatible with RSG Core, VORP Core, and RedEM, but can be customized for any framework easily, just ask!

Credit to valthiris for the model work.

PRICE: $40



Code is accessible No
Subscription-based No
Lines (approximately) 1000
Requirements VORP, RSG, or RedEM
Support Yes

Amazing! :star_struck:

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