Sleep,Tired,Afk System [UPDATED 2021/08/04][PAID]

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Want to add an incredible system to your server?Do you want your server to become a heavy roleplay server?
The new ata_stas system adds players tired and the need for the player to sleep to your server.
For example, i am your server player, I play for 12 hours, and after 12 hours, my character has to go home and sleep to reduce fatigue so that I can continue playing tomorrow. It does not matter that I Whether I am online or not, if I sleep on the server and log out of the server, my character will still be less tired.
Also, if a player leaves the game without sleeping at home, fatigue increases and when she enters the game, she sees that her character is tired and has to sleep.
I made all the features changeable and you can change everything.
Each level has a specific number by default:
From 0 to 4, everything is normal
Warns you from 4 to 8
And from 8 to 12 you get very tired and have to sleep
If you do not sleep, every hour (default) increases your tired

Features (UPDATED 2021-08-04)

  • Well-optimized

    • 0.01ms | Idle
    • 0.01ms - 0.3ms | In usage
  • Not ip locked or obfuscated

  • All reported bugs were fixed

  • Added Tired system

  • Everything was rewritten

  • ui added (I took this post and edited it)

  • Wherever you want you can now add to sleep the player

  • The problem that the player was sleeping on the roofs of the houses was fixed

Config                            = {}

Config.ZoneSize     = {x = 19.0, y = 19.0, z = 2.5}

Config.Zones = {




Config.debugsystem = false

Config.addhungerandthirst = true

Config.tiredeffect = true

Config.tiredpedmovement = true

Config.timeforremovetired = 30 ----- If the player is asleep, reduce tired every 30 minutes

Config.timeforaddtired = 60 ---- Add tired to the player every 1 hours (0 - 4 = normal) (4 - 8 = a bit tired) (8 - 12 =  Very tired)

Config.removetiredofflineplayer = true ---- If the player was offline but asleep, reduce tired

Config.addtiredofflineplayer = true --- If the player was offline but not asleep, increase tired

I enough explanations in the video, if you still have questions, ask


  • ESX_STATUS (To regulate thirst and hunger)
  • ESX

Buy :

:link: Buy it now New Version : Tebex

Check out my other scripts here:


6 euro’s for a simple script, you can achieve the same with not putting in an AFK kick
What happend to this forum…

Hello, thank you for your comment
This script is simple, but everything a person has spent time should have a price, I spent my time on this script and put the price for 5 euros for sale, you can find free it from the AFK script forum

This script is one of the most used scripts that every server should have and I just put the price of my idea, not the script

There are alot of people who make way more complex scripts who don’t sell them for money,
I get tired of people that make simple scripts and think they should put a price tag on it.

If you want to put a price tag on something atleast put some effort into it man

Nobody uses this man, i have been on alot of server and nobody uses this

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Because there was no such script to use, right? I will try to make free scripts for you to use. Thank you for your comment.

nice afk script

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Just a way for people to make money genuinely, I release a free version of a resource that I remade, turns out somebody posted it thats paid and then my post gets closed down because of it.,

this is something new and a good idea dont take the hate man! :slight_smile: good job

Thank you very much :heart:

let me start by saying that this is far away from being a paid resource! there is no “add beds” he just add zones here u can play the animation, so he dont even check for prop’s instead the script is constantly looking for coords its so bad optimized and should be no where near paid cuz this is so wrong in so many ways … thankfully since i liked the ideia i adapted mine to recognized props and to bt-target so it doesnt kep reading coords all the time…in the end … this is far away from being a script to sell for so many reasons… and if u bought it and know a a little bit of code i recomend changing almost all the script… thats the truth

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Thank you very much for your great comment, I am starting to update this script very well and I hope you like the update I am giving. :heart:

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Its low lifes like these that try to profit off people with no understanding of coding

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Features (UPDATED 2021-08-04)

  • Well-optimized
    • 0.01ms | Idle
    • 0.01ms - 0.3ms | In usage
  • Not ip locked or obfuscated
  • All reported bugs were fixed
  • Added Tired system
  • Everything was rewritten
  • ui added
  • Wherever you want you can now add to sleep the player
  • The problem that the player was sleeping on the roofs of the houses was fixed
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I think it got better, right? :sweat_smile:

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wowwww , nice resource, good luck man

its ok to used that nui its free but make sure youbtell the creator ty

Because it was free, I did not inform and the rules of the forum say that if the script was free, you can use it in any script. If you are dissatisfied, I can delete it and create a new ui.

ok nevermind hope someone buy that script