SkyRise is a brand new GTA Role-Playing server with a British Theme, We are soon to be opening for Beta Testing and we are looking for players to join our server to help us form a strong community of Role-Players, We currently have plenty of in game Jobs and Server Staff positions open for recruitment and we invite you to join our discord to begin your new journey!
Staff Positions open for recruitment
In Game Job positions open for recruitment
News Reporters
Estate Agents
We have more jobs coming soon however we need a base team of the above, If these roles do not suit your role-playing needs have no fear, We have many illegal activities you can take part in on your road to becoming the most wanted in SkyRise. We are as stated above in Development and Beta Stages so we have got many features we are working on getting released as soon as possible to produce a unique and exciting experience, If you have any suggestions for the server or vehicles we have our discord fully functioning so you can suggest said things.
If you have had no experience in Role-play but would like to try it out we welcome you with open arms and will guide you through your first days of moving in.
Upon joining our discord you will be asked to accept the discord rules before you can see/view the channels on our server, Again we are looking for a Serious Role-playing experience and for a community that loves to get involved.
We will be hosting various events during the beta release to help us pin point bugs and diagnose any changes that needs to happen to make your experience smooth and as exciting as possible.
Feel free to join our discord here:
Website -
SkyRise - Enjoy the View
We look forward to meeting you.