SkayVerifier - automatic user verifier for your server Discord => FiveM

Any ideas? ;/

creat video how to install it haha


So I wrote this without the -g, only then it installed. Is that a problem?

Well that means you have installed discord.js to your local directory which was currently selected, as long as you will not move any files you’re good

This is my new problem :confused:

Good release in case the Discord Identifier does stop working, for now the current method that was implemented with Discords input works well also.

Where can i find the SQL table? does it imports automatically or i need to import it to my Database?

Hello! I tried using it for my server which uses vRP as a framework. The first hour or so it worked well (good work!) but after some hours, your script was preventing my players from spawning.

Make a turtorial video for installation plz


got it. thanks!

Yeah, database is creating automatically, you can find tables inside main.js file

Hey, my script has nothing to do with spawning, he’s not deciding whether player is spawning or not

Hey man when i start my server i get this error

And when ever someone joins the server this error comes in the console

i cant seem to find the problem in server.lua file

This script is pure gold thank u !

And yes, I think this would be better if it uses Adaptive Cards so kids with mods menu don’t use it inside server

You need mysql-async as script uses database to store codes and identifiers. Here’s official info

Why a legit player would acess the CEF Devtools?

U can drop/kick them if they do this

No, hes got a point, you can call devtools without any rights,** but as I said you’re not able to move anyway

thanks mate :smiley:

Great but found a bug and this is fix

MySQL.Async.execute('UPDATE SkayVerifier SET steam_id = @steamid WHERE code = @code', {['@steamid'] = steamid, ['@code'] = givenCode})

to this

MySQL.Async.execute(‘UPDATE ’ … config.tableName … ’ SET steam_id = @steamid WHERE code = @code’, {[’@steamid’] = steamid, [’@code’] = givenCode}

also there is a bug when someone dies and respawns it again shows that screen

u can fix it by doing

local FirstJoined = false

AddEventHandler("playerSpawned", function(spawn)
	if not FirstJoined then
		FirstJoined = true


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